Page 9 of Adrift in Cheshire Bay
Eric looked like he had as much sleep as we did, although I was sure ours was a little more fun. “Lily says she’ll be fine. It’s just one flight today over to YVR.” Code for Vancouver. “I’ll be there and back before the early afternoon.”
“I’m sure Kavanagh can cover ya?” Mitch leaned across the top of the counter, and lifted the phone, punching in a set of numbers.
“Honestly, I’ll be fine. Willow said babies tend to sleep a lot in the first twenty-four hours, so let’s see.” He winked, but it was longer than normal.
I flipped my gaze to Mitch and back to Eric. “Flying while tired is just as dangerous as flying while drunk.”
“Hey, it’s Mitch. Are you able to cover a run here andback?” He signaled for today’s manifest. “Four people. Possibly a family.” He gave a nod, but I wasn’t sure if he was doing it for mine or Eric’s or Kavanagh’s effect. “Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. … Cedar can call over and make the arrangements. Excellent, thanks.” He hung up, chuckling at his best friend. “Done. See that was easy.”
Eric slouched down in my chair, almost as if relieved. The guy was dedicated to his job, but there was always someone on the other side willing to help.
Today, that was our old buddy, Kavanagh. He was stationed at the Vancouver airport and did quick island runs, usually to Comox or Port Hardy. It was a good business as the island hops were quite a bit smaller and typically only had one runaway, and not one that handled a jet, just the little planes, a ten-seater max.
“Thanks.” Eric sighed and filed the binder back into its slot. “How did things go last night? Did you give that lady a call? See what’s up?”
“Uh, no. We were busy.” Mitch’s cheeks coloured a tinge.
“I see.”
“Well, I’d better get calling over to the other crew and prep them.” I took the clipboard from Mitch’s hand and gestured for Eric to vacate my seat so I could make the changes.
He rose while patting me on the back. “Are you calling her today? Who is she, by the way?”
My knuckles turned white as I held onto the receiver, my fingers hovering above the keypad. I’d done everything in my power to prevent him from thinking about it last night and we’re not ten minutes into work and Eric has him thinking about it. Damn him. Still, I was interested. Too interested as I stretched out my neck to gauge Mitch’s reaction.
He pushed himself off the desk and shuffled away to the back room, leaving us both sitting there with our mouths open.
“Well, who ever she is, he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it.” Eric ran his hand down the length of the desk, reorganizing the pamphlet stand and pen holder.
I didn’t want him too either. Not really. There was so much uncertainty about this woman, and the destruction she was bringing into our lives. If Mitch already had a child, and didn’t want any to begin with, she spelled certain doom. Add to the fact that I was carrying his child too, and well, based on his reaction yesterday, he’d totally shut down if he knew the news.
Chapter Five
Two days later, I was simply rung out and exhausted, and unable to perform anymore, no matter what I did. It was kind of a blessing in disguise as Mitch was too. He’d retreated from me, only caving in during sexy times, and the moment we were finished, he was back to zoning out.
“Okay, I can’t keep doing this.”
“I know what you’re trying to do, and I appreciate it. I think.” He tipped his head to the side. “But Cedar, love, I need a break.”
“From me?” Oh, god, please let him say no. Tears poised on the edges, ready to burst free.
Mitch pulled me close. “Oh, heavens no. Never from you. I love you.”
Like a child, I curled into him. “Who is she? Who’s Jasmine?”
Beneath me, his chest inflated for a few heartbeats before deflating. “She’s nobody important.”
“Maybe not now, but she was once.” I stretched back to take in his face, to see whatever lurked behind his eyes.
“She’s not important. She wasn’t then, and she sure as hell isn’t now. She’s a bonafide troublemaker.” My sweet guy pushed me away. So much for a little cuddling.
Troublemaker? Maybe. I didn’t know her, so I couldn’t associate that with her. My friend Lily had a tumultuous past when she visited Cheshire Bay as a teen and apparently did a rash of bad things, but that’s not the person I knew now. Perhaps the same was true of Jasmine. Maybe shewasa troublemaker, but she grew out of it. People changed as they matured. Most of them anyways.
“You’re not going to tell me anything about her?Obviously, she knows you, and knew you well.” It was leading, but whatever.
“Are you trying to pick fights?” His voice pitched and he crawled out from under me, standing in front of the tv.
“Not at all. I’m just asking.”