Page 33 of Christmas in Cheshire Bay
Still, my walk back to him was more of a run as I couldn’t wait to be in his arms.
“Hey,” I breathed out assoon as I was within kissing distance.
A sadness clouded his features. “I’m sorry. But I have to go.”
Damn. I had misjudged thesituation and the growing interest between us.
He lifted his phone and repocketed it. “The hospital called. I have work to do.”
“Oh.” Work to do, code for mortician stuff.On Christmas Eve.
My heart spluttered in my chest as a wave of emotion washed over me. Someone that dreadful night had taken care of Mom.
He ran a finger down my cheek, leaving trails of heat. “Don’t do thisto yourself, I can see what you’re worried about.”
What was I worried about? Someone, somewhere, was mourning the loss of a family member.On Christmas Eve. A heartache I was all too familiar with.
“Okay.” Smarter words would’ve been better.
“I need togo, but I can drop you off back home or Eric has offered to have you stay with them. I could be a while.”
I inhaled sharply and gazed around. It was amazing to see people carrying on and enjoying the festivities without a care in the world, and here I was, after having the most perfect day and kiss with a sweetheart of a guy, and a reconciliation of sorts with my sister, prepping to send him into the trenches. I wanted the magic to continue. Life wasn’t fair.
“You can take me back to your place.” I lifted my hand for him, and he grabbed onto it, walking us back over to Lily and Eric, who no doubt, was on the receiving end of Lily’s wagging tongue.
Eric gave us his full attention. “So?”
Jesse spoke. “I’m going to take her home.”
“Are you sure, Mo?” Lily’s face wore sympathy.
“I swear I’m okay. Besides, I have a few gifts to wrap.” And maybe, finally, it was time to open the little red boxstored in the bottom of my suitcase. “I’ll see you in the morning, after you have a full night of beauty sleep.”
Lilygave my arm a squeeze. “Easier said than done as I have a toddler who doesn’t believe in sleeping through the night.” She winked and smiled, tossing agoodbyeover her shoulder as she walked away.
“I really don’t want the day to end like this.”Jesse stopped on the passenger side and opened the door. “Not this way.”
But I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t want the night to end either, and although it was still relatively early, it wasn’t even nine yet, it would be in the wee hours of morning before he returned.
The drive back down the lane to Jesse’s place was quick, but quiet, and he parked in front of his house. His hand was poised on the ignition as if he were going to turn the truck off.
“You go. I’ve got a key, remember?” I retrieved it and let it dangle under the glow of the multi-coloured lights hanging in his truck.
“But I…”
I inched my way across the bench seat and stared into his perfect face, leaning in close enough tosmell his woodsy scent. “I’ll see you later.”
“In the morning. Don’t wait up.” He brushed his lips across mine, setting a roar of flaming embers alight.
With each breath he stole from me, I became more a part of him. Finally, I pulled back, desperate tocontinue this inside, but knowing full well someone else needed him. “Go.”
“I’ve never had such a hard time going to work. And I love my job.” A sadness settled over him. “I really want to stay.”
But I knew he couldn’t. As unfortunate as his job was, ithelped to pay his bills and he needed the money. To make it easier on him, I inched back to the door and pushed it open.
“See you soon.” I blew him a kiss and hopped out.
He put the truck in gear and drove away, the Christmas lights on the box of his truck waving as he disappeared.