Page 5 of Pregnant and Sinful (Forbidden Fantasies 63)
“I–” I shake my head, cutting myself off with a sigh. “I just can’t, Mom. It’s too insane.”
Elsa nods, looking down at the bedspread.
“Of course not, Chelsea. I wouldn’t expect it of you because I know this has come out of the blue. I’ll ask Grandpa Heston if we can stay with him.”
I start because Elsa’s father used to beat Elsa and her sister. It’s part of the reason why my mother left home so young, and I know she hasn’t spoken with her dad in over twenty years.
“No, it’s fine,” I say in a firm voice. “Don’t call Grandpa Heston because he’s an asshole who doesn’t deserve any contact with his daughters. I’ll think some more on it,” I say tightly. “It’s going to be fine. I’ll be creative and get us out of this situation.”
“Of course, honey,” Elsa nods before slowly standing up with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry about this, Chelsea. You know I want what’s best for you and the baby… it’s just, I couldn’t anymore with the Lyme disease. It’s utterly debilitating, and it takes everything out of me just to keep a full-time job.” Then, with a small, sad smile, she shuffles over to the door before opening it to leave. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Try to get some sleep.”
“Okay,” I manage in a calm voice, even though I know I won’t be able to sleep a wink tonight. “You too. Goodnight, Mom.”
After Elsa departs, I flop back against my pillows and stare up at the ceiling as my mind continues to race. What the hell was that? All I can think about is the horrible situation before us. Mr. Richards wants to sleep with me? Even more, he doesn’t care that I’m expecting?
Don’t even consider it, Chelsea, the angel on my shoulder warns.You stopped working as an escort because you’re pregnant. You’ve left that lifestyle behind.
But then the devil on my other shoulder also begins to whisper in my ear. Yes, but being an escort is perfect, the voice hisses sibilantly.You’ve done it before, so why not do it again? It’s for your child, after all.
Therein lies the rub, and I shiver slightly, even as my core heats. After all, I feel…dirty. Not because of what Mr. Richards is asking of me, but because of the fact that I don’t hate it. In fact, I’m a little excited if I’m being honest.
After all, I’ve seen pictures of the powerful CEO. Mason Richards is tall, dark, and handsome, and I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t imagined being with him in the past. In fact, it was always somewhat of a mystery why he’d want Elsa. Then again, my momispretty, even if at the moment, she’s thin and pale from disease. But how perverted is this situation? Mr. Richards wants to sleep with a mother-daughter duo? Does this man have any morals? Evidently not, and I’m the one who will be paying the price.
With a quiet sigh, I close my eyes and try to banish this twisted scenario out of my head, even though it’s utterly impossible. Dirty images flash through my mind as I think about all the things that I’d like Mr. Richards to do to me, and with another sigh, I turn over onto my side, my shoulders sagging a bit. I need to get this situation under control, and at the moment, it looks like there’s only one way out.
Ipace my office like a caged lion while waiting for Chelsea to arrive. Word came from Elsa last night that her daughter was willing to speak with me, and now I’m acting like a breathless debutante. It’s unseemly. Me, Mason Richards, nervous about meeting a woman? I haven’t been so jumpy since I was in junior high, waiting for Linda Mae Adams to invite me to our middle school Sadie Hawkins dance.
With that, I let out a snort.Get with it, Richards, the voice in my head snarls.Don’t let some woman fuck you over before she’s even arrived.Yet, I’ve watched Chelsea from my office window multiple times now, her ripe figure lush and pregnant. My cock always twitches, and shamefully, I’ve even come a few times, fantasizing about her beautiful body as she gardened innocently in my yard. Fuck. This woman should run screaming for the hills, but instead, she’s walking straight into the jaws of a monster.
At least the setting gives nothing away. The sun gleams through my office window, rendering the large room a comfortable temperature, and there’s nothing to suggest that I’ve been having dirty thoughts while seated behind my desk. Instead, this office is very much the kingdom of a rich man. The maroon-colored carpet cost thousands, and bears a subtle yet distinctive design. Mahogany bookcases line the walls, and of course, there’s a diverse collection of first editions. Then, there’s my desk itself. The item bears a resemblance to theResolutedesk in the Oval Office, and that’s because it was made from the wood of the same ship. That’s right. I managed to get my hands on a replica of theResolute, except that my desk is cut from the same oak timbers of that ill-fated boat.
Of course, I’m well aware that the deal I’ve offered Elsa and her daughter is utterly rancid. It’s wrong to kick out a sick woman, as well as her pregnant daughter. Plus, I can’t believe I’m stooping to this level just to get my hands on a woman when I could easily go out and find another one to toy with. Hell, I could pay for a prostitute, and it wouldn’t be all that different. But then again, I’ve never been an honorable man so the guilt slides right off my shoulders. I’ve always been ruthless to the bone, and when I see something that I want, I take it.
In this case, I want Chelsea Lee. I don’t want another female. I want the beautiful brunette because she’s gorgeous, pregnant, and right here in my backyard. I want–no, Ineedto get my hands on her and frankly, this seemed like the best way to go about doing it.
Just then, there’s a knock on my door, and I straighten quickly. Then, I take in a deep breath before clearing my throat, and call, “Come!”
The door cracks open a bit, and Chelsea looks in.
“Hi Mr. Richards, I’m Chelsea,” she says hesitantly. “We had a meeting scheduled?”
“Right,” I growl, waving for her to step inside. “Come in and take a seat.”
As she lets herself into my office, the air leaves my lungs because the young woman is even more lovely up close. Chelsea’s brown curls bounce around her shoulders with every movement she makes, framing her angelic features and highlighting that lush, kissable pout. Her skin is creamy, and her body supple. Of course, her belly is swollen, but it only makes my hands itch because I adore pregnant women. There’s something about fucking a fertile female that makes me come three times as hard.
Meanwhile, Chelsea takes a tentative seat on a couch in the seating area, crossing her legs demurely. She’s wearing a pink wraparound dress that highlights her big bosom, while simultaneously making her look like a virginal and innocent Madonna. Shit, I have to get this situation under control.
“So thank you for coming,” I growl, lowering my large form into the sofa across from her. She nods tentatively, hardly meeting my eyes.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
I clasp my hands together, eyeing the curvy girl as she bites her lip. Hell, I might as well get right into it.
“Have you considered my offer?” I drawl in a low voice.