Page 16 of Pregnant and Sinful (Forbidden Fantasies 63)
“Nothing’s wrong between us, sweetheart. Your body belongs to me, remember? And if I want to do some clit or anal spanking, then I will.”
She’s just about to reply when a nurse appears at the entry to the office.
“Chelsea Lee?” she calls in a bored tone.
“Come on, that’s us,” my sweet girl replies before taking my hand. “Behave!”
With that, the two of us stand and follow the woman through a narrow hall until we reach the last door on the left. Chelsea disrobes before struggling into a paper gown, and then there’s a knock on the door.
“Come,” I growl.
A middle-aged woman with graying hair and glasses appears, looking very matronly despite her lab coat.
“Hi Chelsea,” she greets. “It’s nice to see you again. And you must be the father?” she asks as she turns to me with an expectant smile. “I’m Linda Hotchkiss, Chelsea’s ob-gyn. We’ve been together since the beginning of the pregnancy, and today’s the big day, right?”
Chelsea smiles bright as she lies back on the exam table.
“Itisthe big day, and we’re both so excited.”
The doctor dims the lights before taking the ultrasound paddles in her hand.
“Now remember, ultrasounds aren’t definitive,” she says while pressing the paddles to my woman’s bulging belly. “The only definitive way to ascertain a baby’s gender is through a blood test. But sometimes, you can sort-of make out whether it’s a boy or a girl just based on the imaging.”
I stare at the black and white screen, trying to make sense of the picture. Is that really a baby? There’s a crescent-shaped creature in there that looks somewhat fish-like, to be honest. But Chelsea gasps when the heartbeat sounds, and Dr. Hotchkiss nods.
“Strong and steady. He or she is definitely healthy.”
The doctor moves the paddles around, and then suddenly, there it is. There’s a shape between the baby’s legs, and I draw a quick breath.
“Holy shit,” is my murmur.
“Yep, I’d say it’s a boy!” Dr. Hotchkiss pronounces. “Not many girls look like that, so I think this is a pretty definitive yes.”
“Oh wow,” Chelsea breathes with tears in her eyes, still staring at the screen. “This is amazing.”
The remainder of the appointment flies by, and soon, we’re out in the parking lot.
“Are you excited?” I murmur before pressing a kiss to her hair. “You’re going to be mother to a son soon.”
She giggles while dabbing at her eyes with a Kleenex.
“I know, it’s pretty crazy, right? Imagine that. There’s a small penis inside my belly right now.”
I snort.
“That is a crazy image,” I agree. “But I’m happy, honey. This is great news. Do you want to grab some lunch to celebrate?”
She looks up at me, shading her eyes from the bright sun.
“Do you have time? I know work is busy.”
I shrug and lean in to kiss her.
“I always have time for you, sweetheart. Come on, there’s a great place nearby that has the most delicious sunny-side up eggs. You’ll love them.”
Then, before she can protest, Chelsea’s in my car, and we’re on our way to a nice lunch. After all, I’m practically bursting with pride, even if this child isn’t biologically mine. Somehow, I’m intrigued at the thought of becoming a father, and nothing will get in the way of caring for my new son.