Page 58 of Dancing With Demons
Eth’tak’s jaw firms. “Do you imagine that wewantedto hand you over? Why do you think Tolmond has been stalling in your practice?”
My heart skips a beat.
He did try to take his time with me, delaying the inevitable when I was busy exploring the depths of my power. The hints were there, if only I’d paid attention. From the first meeting with the King, I should have realized…
“We didn’t think there was any other way,” Eth’tak continues. “And we had no idea what his true plans were for you until yesterday.”
Finally, Tolmond raises his gaze, which flickers to my stomach for the briefest second before those guilty yellow eyes find mine. “I couldn’t bear to steal your joy, Piper. Maybe it was selfish, but I wanted to keep you for as long as the seven allowed.
“Will you forgive me?”
I consider them harder than I ought to.
The other demons regard me as little more than a vessel, but these two, theyloveme, and they have kept me safe when they could have just given me away. Tolmond surrendered his high standing among the court. He’ll be a laughingstock now, but instead of mitigating the situation, he’s chased me all the way to my quarters.
The tension in the air thickens, and I have to say something.
“Did you mean what you said out there?” I know the answer, but I just want to hear it again. “Do you love me?”
“Yes,” comes his answer, unbidden. “I do.”
I glance to Eth’tak, whose dark lips turn up. “Of course.”
Their sincerity is undeniable, and as Tolmond approaches, I can taste the electric bite of his chaos magic surging around him. “I would never dare to stop you from leaving, Piper, but Iwantyou to stay with us. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Whatever it takes?A naughty smile finds me. “Well, I do have a few conditions.”
My smile broadens. “I don’t think you’ll be keen on the first one, but it’s something important to me, nonetheless.” When he doesn’t protest, I sigh and show my hand. “I want Ulstrath to be made a permanent part of your household.”
That freezes the look on his face to something sour.
“I don’t care where you put him. Create a position for him. Make him chief of security, for all I care. But I want him around. I need a friend, and he’s shown himself to be a good one.”
Eth’tak nudges Tolmond, who grimaces.
I have a feeling it’s more an act than true hesitation, and when he waves a hand, my smile turns into a grin. “Fine. I’ll let the volvath in if it makes you happy.”
“Thank you,” I say, bouncing on the balls of my feet in muted excitement at the notion. Ulstrath will be happy to hear it. I sober at the thought of my next condition. “The second is—and there is to be no exception—that you are toneverkeep something so important from me again. If it has anything to do with me, I need to know.”
“Agreed,” they say in unison.
“Good.” I take in their expressions, guarded but hopeful. It’s a terribly good feeling to be stringing two powerful demons along, forcing them to hang on my every word, but I’m not here to torture them, either. I tilt my head, realizing I’m pretty powerful, myself. And the next time a whiny little Prince gets between me and them, I won’t be so agreeable.
My expression softens to something forgiving. “Thank you, and-
“I love you, too. Both of you.”
Their relief is palpable, and Eth’tak closes the distance first, never one to hesitate. Tolmond hangs back even as I’m gathered into the trolvor’s arms. Eth’tak’s red eyes are full of affection as he kisses me hard.
I accept, lifting up on my toes just to reach him.
Tolmond issues a little growl. “Don’t be selfish.”
He relinquishes my lips and tucks my red hair behind one ear. “Let me enjoy this moment, soz’garoth,” he says as if they’re not close friends. “She said she loves me.”
I squirm under the attention. “There’s enough of me to go around, you know,” I protest with a giggle as Tolmond looms over us.