Page 45 of Dancing With Demons
Eth’tak cups my face. “You displayed unbelievable power in there. We were so worried about you.” He brushes a tear from my cheek. “But you are okay now. There’s no need for tears.”
I shake my head, covering my mouth once again. “I can’t believe I did that. He tried so hard not to hurt me. I could see the way he was fighting the spell and I couldn’t do the same.” Tolmond shifts me so that I’m tucked between the two demons as they stroke my face and my hair. “I can’t believe it.”
“You needn’t worry.” Tolmond’s voice is soft and soothing. “You did nothing wrong, and it wouldn’t have mattered if you did kill him. He’s a nobody.”
Rage, hot and boiling, pours through me,a dn I jerk up, whipping around to glare at him. “Ulstrath is not a nobody! You may use him any way you like, but he’s a hard worker. Stop discounting him!”
“Piper.” Eth’tak tries to tug me forward and I rip out of his grasp. “I don’t think Tolmond meant–”
“I know what he meant! I’m not blind to the way you both act toward him. He is my friend, regardless of his status. He helps me train. He plays cards with us almost every night. And now he’s hurt and you both just want to forget him!”
“No, Piper–”
I scramble off the bed, pointing at the door. “Get out.”
They share an uncertain glance, and Tolmond eases off the bed to stand in front of me. He reaches for me, but I shrink back so he misses. Hurt flashes across his face, but I force myself to ignore it as he says, “Try to get some rest, okay? Your face is still devoid of color and there are dark circles under your eyes. Your body needs to recover.”
“I will.” My voice sounds so small and fragile. “Now, get out.”
He turns, heading for the door, and Eth’tak follows. The trolvor pauses in front of me, but he doesn’t reach for me like Tolmond did. “Call for us if you need anything.”
I nod, avoiding his gaze, and I stare down at the bed as I listen for the door to click closed behind them. Once it does, I suck in a deep breath and get dressed.
I may not look completely recovered, but I can feel my magic well has at least been replenished. I focus on it like Tolmond taught me, thinking of what I want it to do, and with deep concentration, I manage to silence my footsteps.
Creeping out of my room, I walk carefully just in case. I send pulses of energy down the halls, feeling for any other demons before turning a corner. With my magic, I manage to make it out of Tolmond’s tower without being caught.
I’ve seen enough of Ti’ilth to know where the training grounds are. Ulstrath explained to me that it’s where all the soldiers without families stay–where he stays. He says it’s where he sleeps, eats, and trains, and I have to assume there’s an infirmary there.
As I slip inside, a few demons stop to stare at me. I offer them a polite smile and ask, “Do you know where Ulstrath is?”
They blink, pointing down a hallway to my right, and I nod, thanking them. As I slip down the hallway, though, I hear the whispers start up. It’s not something that bothers me much here. I’ve gotten used to them somewhat over the course of my life, but it’s still interesting to hear what others say about me when they think I can’t hear.
“That’s the one that put him in the infirmary.”
“Yes. King Asmodeus has his eye on her.”
“I hear Tolmond does, too.”
“Oh, shit. Do you think he’s going to be pissed that she’s here?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to the ring. I don’t want to be caught when he does show up.”
I smirk as I turn around a bend, unable to hear them any longer. It’s funny to me to not be known as the destroyer, the freak. Instead, I’m the girl not to mess with because one of the other demons will mess you up.
I have to admit it’s a nice change of pace.
The hallways dead ends into the infirmary, and I spot Ulstrath immediately. I rush to his bedside, but before I can say anything, he shifts and spots me. “Piper?”
I fling myself forward. “Ulstrath! I’m so sorry.” My words come out muffled against his shoulder, but he chuckles softly, wrapping an arm around my waist to rub my back.
“What for?”
I pull back to look at him. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah.” His smile looks genuine. “You were incredible. Your powers are growing, and I am so impressed with how well you did back there.”