Page 29 of Dancing With Demons
Eth’tak gives me a one-shouldered shrug and a grin. “We both know what you’re going to say, why waste your breath?” He replies. I get to my feet and meet him in the middle of the room, clasping his forearm.
“How’d it go?” I ask as I release his arm. Eth’tak settles into his usual chair, adjusting his wings around the back. The flick of his wings sends a slight breeze my way, his scent floating past me. Something’s different about it…
It takes me a moment to place the scent intermingled with Eth’tak’s, but that earthy, sweet scent has lingered on my skin enough times that it clicks into place without much thought. Piper. I’d expect at least some of her scent on my friend, seeing as how they’ve been together for the past day or so and he’s flown with her at least twice, but this isn’t a typical overlay of odors.
Their scents are completely intermingled, as if Piper had crawled under his skin and permeated every pore on his body. The only way their scents would have intermingled so thoroughly would be if… Oh.Oh.
I try not to let the thought register on my face as Eth’tak continues telling me about he and Piper’s misadventure, from the village turning on her and the destruction he wreaked in retribution, to Piper’s uptick in chaos magic and their night at the top of a mountain continents away.
Eth’tak noticeably skims over their evening together, and the lack of information he provides on that detail only further confirms my suspicions.
Eth’tak and Piper slept together.
I wait to feel any spark of jealousy, any hint of the territorial nature so many male demons struggle with when it comes to their mates, but it never comes. If anything, I feel more concerned about thehowof what happened rather than the fact that it took place.
I know firsthand how irresistible Piper can be, and if anything out of order happened between them, I’d gladly skin my old friend alive for her. The very thought of Piper being taken against her will has me tightening my leash on my magic- an explosion of my power could very well level this whole building, and I’m not typically a kill first, ask questions later type of demon.
I swallow against my budding rage and take a cooling breath. I know Eth’tak, and he’s a good male- I find it hard to believe he’d ever hurt Piper willingly, especially knowing how much she means to me and the nature of our relationship.
The silence in the room is deafening as I regain focus, and I realize Eth’tak is staring at me with a strange look on his face.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” I ask, trying to gloss over my sudden absentminded behavior. Eth’tak narrows his eyes at me slightly before repeating himself.
“I asked if you wanted me to go back to retrieve the doll myself, since it was left behind in all of the ensuing chaos,” he says slowly, still studying my face.
“No, no,” I say, waving a hand between us as I turn toward the fire roaring in the hearth. “From what you said, Piper seems to be getting over her block on her own, so I see no reason for you to return to wreak further havoc on the human village.”
Eth’tak harumphs behind me, but says nothing else. I have no idea how to bring up his relationship with Piper, not without accusing him of something grievous or generally making an ass of myself, but I have to try. If somethingdidhappen, I need to know about it, and I’d rather not put Piper in the middle. Or make her watch as I rip him limb from limb.
“Did something else happen?” I ask Eth’tak, turning to face him again. Eth’tak freezes in his chair, shifting his weight uncomfortably.
“What do you mean?” He asks cautiously. We only stare at each other for a moment, and then Eth’tak’s shoulders sag.
“I’m sorry,” He says, looking at the floor. “I couldn’t help myself.” I fight the growing wrath in my chest, still clinging to my perception of my childhood friend. He wouldn’t hurt Piper… would he?
“Explain. Now,” I demand in an icy tone.
Eth’tak cringes, but obliges.
“I don’t know how it happened,” He says quickly, eyes still on the floor. “The mountains were too cold for her, and we didn’t have supplies. I was just trying to keep her warm, but she kept… touching me, and nuzzling me. One thing led to another, and I just… It’s nearly impossible to say no to that woman,” he finishes with a loud exhale.
Eth’tak looks up at me for the first time since starting his story, and whatever he finds in my face must hold no comfort, because he gets out of his chair and bends a knee, kneeling before me.
“I’ve overstepped my bounds. I have infringed upon your mate, and I offer myself up to whatever judgment you see fit,” Eth’tak says solemnly, his eyes on the floor as he kneels. I blink at the sight of my oldest, closest friend prostrating himself before me.
“Eth’tak, get up,” I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers. His eyes snap to mine, surprise etched into his face.
“But- I violated your trust,” he says dubiously. It’s an effort not to laugh, whether from relief or the sheer absurdity of this situation, I don’t know.
“You didn’t violate my trust, you buffoon,” I tell him. Eth’tak offers a small, still cautious smile as he gets to his feet.
“I was concerned when I scented Piper on you, sure,” I say as I hold his gaze, “but not because you slept together. Well, I guess because you slept together, but I was more concerned with making sure nothing… uncouth happened.”
Eth’tak gives me an appalled look, and I try to fight the wave of embarrassment that floods me.
“You thought I…?” Eth’tak asks incredulously.
“I don’t know what I thought,” I sigh again. “But as long as Piper is happy, I can think of no better male for her to be with. Other than me, of course,” I finish with a wink.