Page 15 of Dancing With Demons
Everything has become so much more complicated with Piper here, and yet I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have to be careful, though- I can’t allow myself to grow too attached to her. She’s here because the Hooded One has a purpose for her, and no matter what I may want, there’s nothing I can do to stand between her and whatever plans he has.
An unfamiliar emotion coils tightly in my stomach, something that I’m so unaccustomed to that it takes me a second to place it. Fear; I’m afraid for Piper, afraid of my emotions for her.
I’m afraid of losing her.
“You look exhausted.”
I peek open an eye to see Eth’tak there. I grin up at him, patting the space beside me. “Tolmond had me running tests this morning. He says my powers are growing.”
Eth’tak sprawls out on the grass and stares up at the electrical storm shrouding the island with me. “More tests? Hasn’t he examined you every morning for the past week?’
I shrug. “Sometimes it’s more than once a day. He’s trying to get a read on my powers and how best to help me.”
His soft knuckles brush the back of my arm. “We both want that.”
I could sink against Eth’tak, listening to the soft crackle of his voice. I find it more soothing than daydreaming in the grass, which has become one of my favorite pastimes. I've never been able to just relax.
Like he can read my thoughts, Eth’tak presses closer to me. All week, he and Tolmond have been caring for me. I’m almost never alone, spending time with both of my demons, and I don’t mind it. I’ve never been so popular.
Even my lessons with Tolmond are enjoyable. While the magic still terrifies me, he’s so gentle with me that I love going to the containment room with him.
But I love hanging out with him here, too. He’s been showing me around the tower, and I’ve been exploring on my own. The servants bring me anything I ask for, and I’ve found that, without my chores, there are many fun ways to pass the time here.
One of my favorites is a game I call ‘demon poker.’ I’ve seen this game on Protheka–an old game that humans have loved for so long that no one remembers the origin–but the only similarities are really that there is gambling and cards.
Other than that, the game is designed to trip up the players. The best suits and number sets win, but certain lucky numbers increase the winnings and another combination costs the player just for drawing the card.
Honestly, I have a hard time keeping up and just hope no one notices that I’m cheating. I almost feel like, playing with demons, I’ll be rewarded for it, though.
“Maybe he’s just sore because of how bad you beat him last night.”
I hook my pinky finger around one of Eth’tak’s as I grin. Although I have a hard time keeping the suits and lucky numbers straight, along with the sets that allow players to mix up the game by redistributing the gambling pieces–and the wealth that each player possesses–or shuffling all cards in hand, I do win most of the time.
Tolmond has accused me of using my magic, and I don’t think I am. I play off a gut feeling, and maybe that is my magic, but I’ll never confess to it.
“Maybe so.” His fingers stroke the inside of my palm. “Are you coming to tonight’s game?”
“Of course.” Sometimes I wonder if Eth’tak will taste smoky. His voice just sounds so much like fire that I feel this aching desire to know. “He’s bringing in some more guys.”
I roll on my side to look at him, gripping his upper arm. “I didn’t know that. No more playing with servants?”
“Nope. He wants to see how you do against real opponents.”
Eth’tak and I lay like that for some time longer before Tolmond comes out, his eyes lighting up as he takes me in. It sends a trickle of warmth through me like it always does.
“Are you ready for tonight’s game?”
I nod. “Are you ready to lose again?”
He chuckles, a soft lilting sound that makes my heart falter, and clucks his tongue at me. “Now, now. Don’t be cocky. Come along.”
Instead of helping me up, he looks to Eth’tak, who sweeps me in his arms as he stands and settles me on my feet. The two communicate well together. They’ve been jointly taking care of me like this all week, and from what I can tell, neither is jealous of the other in my company.
For that I’m glad, but it makes me wonder if they see me a little differently than I see them. Maybe they have no reason to be jealous…