Page 64 of Risqué
“You make sure of that.”
From pilot to attendant, they stand side by side and I don’t pause to acknowledge anyone.
I pull the trigger. And again.
Bullet after bullet empties into the man’s head, and he drops sideways as the gun meets the tarmac.
“No one threatens Aliana.”
“Yes, sir.”
No one moves as I enter the plane and sit.
No one talks to me as they finish prep and then take off.
“Good to have you back, sir,” Jeffrey says, greeting me at the family’s private airstrip. His hand’s outstretched at the bottom of the jet’s steps, a cuppa in his other from my favorite shop. It’s for me, and after a quick shake, I take a hearty sip. “Miss Langley sends her regards.”
“Cheers, mate.”
“There’s also a bag of biscuits in the car.”
I nod, smiling. That woman is something else. “Did the old bat flirt?”
“Of course. It’s what she does at the ripe old age of eighty.” His laugh is loud, catching the attention of the flight crew beginning their clean-up procedure. “Says it keeps her young.”
“As long as she makes me this, I give no bloody fucks.” I make my way toward the black Lincoln he’s driving but notice he’s not behind me. “Something wrong?”
“Did you not bring a bag?”
“Casper has it. I had a secondary stop to make.”
“Understood.” That’s what I like about Jeffrey. He doesn’t pry. Doesn’t meddle, and it also shows me Ezra continues to be loyal. He’s the only one that knew of my stop in Chicago, although the reasons elude him too. “By the way, your father and uncle are at Sr.’s home. They’re both living there now.”
“Since when?”
“About a week ago.”
“Your mum doesn’t think so.” He’s not being disrespectful. That’s a warning of the situation I could be walking in to.
“How bad?” My tea is getting cool, and I drink half the contents in a few deep sips. “She still around?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Great.” I walk toward his vehicle and slide into the passenger side, Jeffrey just a few steps behind me. Once inside, he’s quick to put the already running car in drive and exit the airstrip. “Head to my uncle’s house first and then take the rest of the day off. I want no one inside, just leave two guards on the grounds, and we’ll talk tomorrow.”
“As you wish.” Traffic isn’t too bad today, just a few slow drivers that don’t understand the move the fuck over policies of the road, but within thirty minutes, we’re pulling into the long driveway where sure enough, my father’s car is present. Jeffrey parks behind him, car idling. “What time do you need me tomorrow?”
I shake my head, hand on the door handle. “My penthouse overlooking Parliament. We have a lot to discuss.”
“Of course, Callum. And if you need me—”
“Take the day off, mate. You never stop.”