Page 100 of Risqué
Seventy-two hours ago…
“Are you sure, Ezra?” I ask, reading the urgent email he sent me fifteen minutes ago. I’m still in the underground parking lot of the hotel where Casper and Aurora are staying; she knows where he stands, what he’s offering, and Miss Cancio accepted with grace and a few terms of her own.
Did I give them shit? Yes.
But the woman has a quick wit, sassiness that reminds me of Aliana, and put me—and all the Jameson men—in our place. She’ll do bloody well. Keep Casper on his toes.
“Boss, I’m sure.” The clicking of a keyboard is heard in the background, several alerts pinging in different tones and ranges in volume. “The man’s real name is Santis Gaspar and he’s the youngest son of Cornelio Gaspar who’s currently in ADX Florence serving a two-hundred-year sentence.”
“Someone threw the book at the cunt.” I’m going through each document with everything from passports, real and fake ID’s, and then family photos dating as far back as the arseholes first birthday to as recent as a month ago.
“They did. Wanker’s arrest was over tax evasion, but while inside, they pinned everything the city of Chicago could within the statute of limitations, from money laundering to the killing of two CPD officers, and then the added charge of distribution of heroin. This came on the heels of Governor Ruben’s election. His prosecution of a known drug trafficker made him a man of the people and a champion for the city.”
“And now they’re getting paybacks from Rubens.”
“Yes.” Another email comes in and I open it, my ire growing the more I stare at the photo of Rubens celebrating with Gaspar and Martin. The date is from a few days after Aliana delivered the fucking statue and walked out shaking.
I’ve let this go on long enough.
I’m going to break each skull with that blasted fucking artifact.
An artifact I bought and will be getting a full refund for very soon.
“Does Casper know about Santis? Does Cancio know he has a rat in his organization?”
“No. I’m preparing the docs for Casper now.”
“Send them to me and I’ll forward it in the morning. He’s busy at the moment.”
“Will do.” He doesn’t say anything else, and I almost disconnect when he clears his throat. “There’s one more thing, Callum. I was going to explain this to Casper, but you need to know as well. Santis has gone missing, two days now, and from my investigation into every soldier in that organization, he’s close to Dominic.”
“As in Cancio’s right hand?”
“Correct.” There’s no bond with any of the other men, no drinking a pint after work or socializing. He talks to Dominic and no one else, the latter of which hired and promoted him to his current rank as head bodyguard for Aurora’s father.”
“Does he know them?”
“He’s shown interest in one.”
“Which one?” I grit my teeth, knowing the answer already. Dominic wants Aurora, and that leaves my Venus. “Who’s your informant?”
“Pierro, sir. He’s Cancio’s driver, and both women like him.”
“And he’s confirmed that Santis makes Aliana uncomfortable.”
“Thank you.” Tossing my mobile on the seat next to me, I back out of the parking spot and then garage, taking a sharp turn and driving straight until I reach the interstate. “I fucking warned them.”
The strip club is empty tonight, no cars outside of three that occupy the spaces closest to the front door, and I park in front of it.
I have no backup with me. It won’t be needed, and after grabbing my Ruger and extra magazine from the glove compartment, I put the latter inside of my trouser pocket.
I’m calm as I exit my vehicle and walk up to the door; a solid kick and it slams open, the wood damaging the plaster. Two men rush forward then, hands on their weapons, and they’re dead before either can fully react.
A bullet to one head, the other to the neck.