Page 38 of Little Mate
“She’s long passed. Her name was Sylvanna Lastra.”
“What she was is sloppy.” Tone a little abrasive, she purses her lips. “The energy isn’t concentrated; it’s flickering and weak. An unattended spell can be volatile, and not to be rude, but useless.”
“Someone’s snobby about her magic.”
Gabriella bristles at the jab, but her lips twitch just the same. “I am. Won’t deny it.”
“Does that mean you’ll be inspecting every corner of our kingdom, love?” A snort escapes her, and fuck me if I don’t find that utterly adorable. What she does to me. I’m wrapped around her finger. “That you want to protect your people.”
“I always want my people protected. That’s why I came to you not knowing who you are to me.”
Stopping abruptly, I pin her against the nearest wall with my body, not an inch of space between us. “And what am I to you?”
Her gasps are sweet. The way those green eyes darken is a weakness. “You’re mine.”
“Good.” Caging my face with her hands, she places her lips over mine, just breathing me in. “Now, after we handle whatever is needed today…we need to talk. My protection is now extended to you and yours, and while you probably don’t need it, it’s there just the same. Please don’t fight me on that.”
“I’d never. To me, it’s an honor.”
“Good boy,” she coos, and I hiss, baring my fangs. She’s not afraid; I scent her arousal. “Not that I’m giving you much of a choice in this. I’m very stubborn, King Astor. You might as well accept that now, save you many frustrations down the line.”
“How do you figure that?”
“Happy wife. Happy life.” Her shrug is nonchalant. “It’s what my father always said.”
“You Wiccans and your ideologies.” I drag my teeth down her chin. Nip the skin there.
“Want to test that theory, Theo?” Gabriella arches her neck, thrusting her chest against mine. Giving me more room. “Need a demonstration, maybe?”
“No.” Instead, I attack the fragrant skin with gentle bites and open-mouthed kisses. From right to left, I make sure she’s marked for all to see.
“Smart man.” A whimper. “You’ll make a fine mate.”
Spinning us around, I secure one hand beneath her ass and lift, wrapping her thighs around my waist. The other hand makes contact with her asscheek. The sound is loud, but she doesn’t cry out. Instead, the smarting smack causes the woman in my arms to moan low, a throaty sound that settles on the tip of my dick while a bead of pre-come slides down from the slit on the head.
I do it again. Three more times on the same spot so I know she’ll feel me later.
“You’re making it hard for me to serve justice on a silver plate, sweetheart.” All crying around us has ceased, those inside of prisons listening intently. Not that I give a fuck. I’d kill them all after pleasing my girl. “That smart mouth of yours is dangerous, for me and you, and the only thing I want right now is to bend you over this railing so everyone below us can hear you scream.”
“Maybe after?”
“Think you’re ready for me?”
“Born to be yours.” Four words, her honesty, is my undoing, and I kiss her, slowly and full of every bit of the emotions she evokes in me. It’s caring and soft and the opposite of who I am as a demon, and yet I’m hers.
My world revolves around her. I bend the knee for her.
She humbles me.
“Thank you.” Slowing the kiss, I flick the tip of her tongue with mine and then pull back. “Ready to confront him?”
Immediately, the heady lust blanketing us chills and her expression turns cold. Full of anger. “Yes.”
“Stay close.” Placing her down, I retake her hand and pull her behind me. We take the remaining stairs, the silence looming as those inside cells know I’m the one making the rounds. None stand close to the door. None investigate. Instead, I see the huddled forms in corners with their knees bent and faces turned away, avoiding direct interaction.
On the last step, I turn to the left and toward the two doors there. One is occupied permanently, and the other has a man who’s only inside for accessibility reasons and will go back to his room on my property right after this little chat.