Page 47 of Keeping Ava
“When I leave, it’ll be with you.” Lips come down on my cheek, his tongue following the path down to my jaw, licking the few tears that have escaped. There’s a deep groan that comes from the back of his throat a second before his hands tighten—fingers digging into my hips in a painful way. “After I kill the cock-sucking pig that thought to touch what’s mine.”
“What are you—”
“You really think I didn’t have eyes on you? The way he held you on that pier is—”
“Stay away from him.”
“Make me.” Those words awaken something in me. There’s a sudden shift that I can’t even begin to comprehend, and I don’t attempt to. Instead, I let instincts take over and I throw my head back with all my might. Screw the pain; I will fight back. Just the thought—his threatening words against Eli—seem to spark a sense of awareness inside of me that helps me push through the sudden pain of my skull connecting with his jaw. “Fuck!” he yells out, and his hold lessens just enough for me to use the momentum and stomp on his foot.
Once. Twice.
Hard. With all my weight. My goal is to break his toe if possible.
“No, asshole. Fuck you!” I throw my elbow back, landing somewhere between his neck and face. It does the job and I’m pushed away, a natural reaction from him, and I run. Take off toward Elijah’s bedroom at full speed, and I almost make it inside when I’m grabbed once again.
This time it’s by my hair. Jason pulls hard enough to force a scream from my throat, a sound that makes him laugh.
Roughly, I’m turned around and shoved against the closed bedroom door. My only escape is so close.
“Since when do you have a fighting spirit, pet? It’s cute.” His body crowds mine. His face tips down toward me. “Answer the question.” I don’t say a word, just bite down hard on my bottom lip to hold in my whimpers—to not give in and gift him what he wants. My pain. My misery. My fear. “I’ll make you motherfucking talk. Don’t push me this soon.”
Another warning I ignore. His hold on my hair tightens, and I can taste the blood from how hard I embed my teeth.
For some reason, his anger toward me turns into a sinister laugh a second later. His hold doesn’t ease, but his eyes close and his body moves back an inch or two. Just enough space. Just enough of an opening for me to bring my knee up.
This hit is different. Hurts him where all men are sensitive.
Jason drops before me like dead weight, almost bringing me down with him, and when he doesn’t release my hair, I reach out with my hand and punch him straight between his legs. His scream makes me smile, and it’s also the opening I need.
Two inhales later and I’m inside Elijah’s room, slamming the door closed and turning the lock. For a few seconds, there’s no noise. No movement. Yet, I don’t wait for the inevitable.
Eli’s closet is just across the room, and I dart toward it without conscious thought. The door is heavy and it’s hard to push closed, but I manage right before Jason crashes through the bedroom one.
It splinters and debris flies everywhere, but I’m already safely inside. I walk the short way toward the back where Elijah keeps a burner phone and Glock for me, and have the drawer halfway open when the first hit to the entrance comes.
It’s loud and I scream, almost dropping the phone in my hand. With shaky fingers I tighten my grip and then hit the power button on the side.
A low chime comes from the device before Jason delivers another blow. “Open the fucking door, Ava. Don’t force me to hurt you.”
I don’t reply. My focus is on the device in my hands. On pressing the number 1 and bringing it to my ear.
It rings. Once. Twice. And then heavy breathing follows...
“Baby?” A bullet hits the door, then another, and I fight back the scream that wants to break through. My body’s shaking, and I feel as though this is our goodbye. “Ava, what’s happening? I’m on my way was all a—”
“He’s here’s, Eli. He found me.”
Chapter 15
Earlier Today...
I hate to leave her like this, so soon after making her mine.
However, it’s not something that can be avoided. Not when I have it right within my reach to end this. Him. Everything.
Walking out of the building, I catch sight of a patrol car with two officers inside and make my way toward them. They’re rookies; two guys I’ve seen in passing and don’t give two flying fucks about.