Page 28 of Back To You
Four hard thrusts. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam.
Less than a few seconds apart and my back bows back, eyes squeezing shut as the most delicious pleasure vibrates over my skin. Sudden and bordering on painful, my orgasm rushes through my limbs, and I clamp down hard.
It’s like getting hit by a battering ram of euphoria, and I can no longer feel anything past his touch.
“Son of a bitch.” I hear his growl, but all I can focus on is how he swells within my walls and the pulsating as his come coats my walls. Our combined release spills, overflowing my small body and coating my other hole.
The scent of our love is all around us, and I find myself smiling, wishing I could hold onto this forever. Hold onto the man that is lying on me and holding me tight.
Moments pass and neither of us speak, not until two things happen at once: his phone goes off, and my stomach rumbles.
“Go and grab a shower before your stomach attacks me.” Nick chuckles, fingers tickling my side. “I’ll make us something quick to eat.”
“With lots of coffee?”
“That’s never up for debate, babe.”
“Deal.” Sixty seconds pass, and nothing. He doesn’t move. “You kind of have to let me up.”
“I know…” his lips pepper kisses all over my chest “…but I don’t like it.”
“But coffee.”
“But I love you.” Nick’s petulant act is cute, but I don’t tell him this.
“Fine. Ten more minutes,” I say and add a long sigh at the end for dramatic affect.
I also don’t point out that he’s the one that told me to get up and shower.
“Hey, babe, do you know where—what’s going on?” I step fully inside the kitchen, watching my man struggle with something. His back is to me while looking into the backyard, muscles tense under the pressure of whatever is bothering him.
He’s holding his cell phone, which looks to be close to cracking if he doesn’t ease up the hold.
The silence continues, not even an acknowledgement, and I walk closer. My feet carry me over and on my next breath, my arm wraps around his midsection. Hold him close.
That’s when I feel it. His entire demeanor loses the edge it was on, and he relaxes against me. The fight leaves, and he places his hand over mine.
Just holds it. Moreover, still no words.
“Babe, talk to me. You’re scaring me.” Something in my tone snaps him out of whatever funk he’s in, because in seconds, I’m once again in his arms and being kissed as if it’s the last time he will get the chance.
A starving man.
“I’m so sorry,” he says against my lips, bottom one caught between his teeth. “It was never my intention to put you in this position, but I have to go one more time. Just one more, Mila, and I am done.”
“Hey…” I pause, trying to find the words through the sudden lump in my throat. “Where is this coming from? We’ve talked and agreed that this changes noth—”
“The organization called, and I’m to report for work tomorrow morning,” he interrupts, the apprehension in his eyes catching me off guard. It takes a moment, but his words sink in and my heart drops. I don’t have the luxury of a few more days. No, I now have hours. Minutes. “Please say something. Mila, I hate to leave you like this.”
“Why? Why the sudden rush?” A million and one scenarios cross my mind, and I don’t like any of them. Worrying over someone you care about is never easy, but love—loving someone so completely amplifies those feelings. A roller-coaster ride of emotions that leaves you breathless and praying for everything to be okay.
Nick cups my face in his hands, bringing my eyes back to his. Whatever happened isn’t good. “The volcano erupted last night around eight o’clock, and the devastation is monstrous.”
“Jesus Christ,” I breathe out, hands trembling. I can’t even imagine the kind of fear and anguish those people must be going through.
“They need people; volunteers and medical personnel at every corner of the city. The urgency is too great, and many have lost their lives. Mila, right now it’s about saving those we can.”
And that is why he’s my Champ. Selfless and courageous.