Page 34 of Princess Fallen
“Rogan.”My voice cracks.
“Victor,” he says, his voice deep, almost a snarl.“Say my name, princess.I want it to drizzle from your lips like droplets of my fucking blood.Like crimson silk, princess.Say it.Say my name.”
My heart pounds like a thousand hammers.Goose bumps erupt on my flesh.I throb from the inside out, and my pussy aches with emptiness.
Say my name, princess.
His words swirl around me, almost visible in their lusty roar.My nipples are going to burst through the fabric of my clothes.I’m hot.So damned hot.
He closes the already short gap between our lips.He’s so close now that if I let my tongue wander out of my mouth, I can trace his full lower lip.I inhale.Exhale.Inhale again.
“Say it, princess.”
Victor. Victor. Victor.
Over and over in my mind.Victor. Victor. Victor.
Stop. Must get information. Must remember why I’m here.
Victor. Victor. Victor.
I’m slave to my body.Slave to the man so close I could bite his lip, nick it, get another intoxicating drop of his blood.
I touch my tongue to his lip, and then my teeth.Suck it into my mouth.His strength pours into me, rejuvenates me.
Yes, I can do it now. I can remember why I’m here.
He pulls away.“I want you, princess.I need you.You’re mine.”He touches my cheek, making me burn hotter.“But you’ll get nothing more from me until you say my fucking name.”
Victor. Victor. Victor.
God, I want him.Want his lips back on mine.His hands all over my shuddering naked body.His cock—that beautiful cock—inside me, filling me, taking away this empty ache.
Why is it so difficult for me to say his damned name?
He trails his fingers from my cheek to my neck and over the clothed tops of my breasts.I burn.Any moment now I’ll burst into fucking flames.
It’s lodged in my throat.
Why am I resisting?
I want him every bit as much as he wants me.All it will take is one simple word.
I wait.I wait for him to command me once more.
He doesn’t.
He simply stares into my eyes, his own searing and intense.Until finally—
“Hannah.Beautiful Hannah.”