Page 134 of Princess Fallen
No way.
How could he know?
He couldn’t have.He just knew Rogan’s taste in women.
Of course Rogan’s taste in women wouldn’t include a human-vampire hybrid.Would it?
A sharp pain lances through my gut.I can’t help it.I double over, inadvertently withdrawing the blade from the vamp’s neck.
For a moment, I’m sure I’ve been stabbed.
But this vamp knows better than to harm me, and he couldn’t have anyway.But someone else may have.
The pain subsides nearly as quickly as it came.I brush myself off.No wound.The vampire stands before me.He probably outweighs me by over a hundred pounds, but I stand my ground.
“You made a promise to me,” I say.“To your princess.”
“I made a promise to a traitor.”
“Call me what you will.A promise is a promise, and we both know you can’t harm me.Now take me to my father quickly, or my wolf will fucking rip your throat out.”
The vamp grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder, and then he runs, dodging arrows, knives, bullets.I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping I'll live until we get where we're going.
Rogan could easily catch us, and again I wonder why he hasn’t come after me.
Fear pulses through me.What happened to him?He was safe in the bunker...but the bunker isn’t invisible.
Someone may have found him.
Before I can think further, I hit the ground with a loud thump.
I open my eyes and look around.I’m inside a cave-like structure, which is decorated in black, red, and gold.My father’s tastes.The sounds of battle outside are muffled, but they’re still there.
“Where is he?”I demand.“Where is my father?”
“Right here, Hannah.”My father steps out from behind a wall.
The vampire drops to his knees.“My king.”
Really?Is he kidding?My father never makes vamps bow to him—unless they’re giving him head.
“Get up, Rousseau,” my father says.
The vampire—Rousseau, apparently—rises.
“This asshole threatened to take my blood,” I say.
“I know,” Dad says, “and he’ll be dealt with.”
“Are you going back on your word, my king?”Rousseau asks.
“What the hell is he talking about?”I dart my gaze from my father, to Rousseau, and back again.
“I’m to be married to the princess Larissa,” Rousseau says.
I drop my jaw.“Are you kidding me?Larissa doesn’t even know she’s half vamp.”