Page 119 of Princess Fallen
The ether.
How we got here, I have no idea.It’s almost as if Rogan has willed it.Has he?Is that how we got here before?He says he doesn’t know, but I wonder...
I’ve been here before, but it’s different this time.No longer is it green and peaceful.No.
Now flaming arrows whoosh through the air.Bullets fly.The sounds of war...and they’re deafening.
Someone yanks Rogan’s arm and I tumble along with him.
It’s Dominic.
Dominic runs, and we follow, dodging fire as we go.
This is the end of my life.
I’ve accepted it.
I know it.
No one can live through this.
At least I found Rogan.At least I found love.
A few more moments and we’re safe inside an underground dwelling.I inhale the musty scent of dirt and stone.
“You two will be safe here,” Dominic says.
“We’ve been through this,” Rogan growls.“I fight.”
“You’re our leader.You need to lead, Rogan.Not die.”
“Who says I’ll die?I know how to fight, Park.”
“So do I,” I add.
“Neither of you will fight,” Dominic says.“The pack has decided.”
“The pack has decided?”Rogan stomps his foot on the soft dirt.“The fucking pack?Iamthe pack, Dominic.Me.The alpha.”
Oh, yeah.Rogan’s going all alpha, and it’s hot, but something pisses me off.
“Wait a freaking minute,” I say.“Neitherof us will fight?Since when do you makemydecisions, Dominic?”
“Since you became our alpha’s mate.You think he can lead if you’re out there fighting?He needs to know you’re safe.”
I look at Dominic, and then to Rogan.And I don’t like what I see in his eyes.
“You gave me a weapon,” I say.
“So you can defend yourself,” Rogan says.“Not so you can fight.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”I advance on Dominic, pull the knife from his belt, and throw it toward Rogan, missing him by two inches.The knife lodges in the hard dirt of the wall.
“What the hell are you doing?”Dominic gasps.
“Exactly what it looks like.I’m showing you my skills.I could have put that knife in his eye, but I didn’t.This is the man I love, and I’d never harm him.But I can fight.Both of you know that.I’m skilled with a knife, with a pistol, and with my fucking body.I could kick your ass, I bet.”