Page 105 of Princess Fallen
“I don’t understand,” I finally say.
“Fated mates are uncommon at this point in our lycan evolution.I’ve told you this.”
“So…you think we don’t fall in love?That we’re just animals?”
My heart pounds, and not just from the kisses we’ve shared.Fear races through me, but why?So Rogan has loved before.Does that lessen what we have?He loves me now, and above that, he’s drawn to me.
Mated to me.
I sit down on the soft grass.“Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“About the woman you loved.”
“No.Sit.Sit down and tell me, or…”’
“Or what?”Rogan growls.
I breathe in slowly, gather my willpower.With everything in me I want to rise, throw myself into his arms, and let him do whatever he wants to me, the nastier the better.
But my head… Damn the pounding in my heart and head!
“You going to answer me, princess?”
“Or…nothing,” I say with a sigh.“I can’t force you to tell me.I don’t want to force you to tell me.I wish I didn’t want to know, but I do.”
He sits then, meets my gaze, and his eyes… His eyes, though still full of fire and arousal, are kind.
“Hannah,” he says, taking my hand, “you’re everything to me.Did I think I’d end up with someone like you?Someone not of my own kind?Hell, no.But I did.I had no choice in the matter, and neither did you.I didn’t want this.You didn’t want this.But we’re here, where our bodies and souls have led us.You’re my destiny.My fate, and I didn’t expect to love you.”
“How?How could you not expect to love me?”
“Your kind doesn’t mate, princess.”
“Your kind doesn’t either.Not usually.”
“No.Not usually.But it’s in our DNA.We know it when it happens, and I know, without a doubt, that you’re my mate.”
“What happened with the others, then?The ones you loved?”
“TheoneI loved, princess.There was only one.”
Only one?His admission should make me feel better, but it doesn’t.Jealousy spears me in the heart.
Damn.When did I becomethiswoman?This woman who can’t deal with her lover’s exes?
Images invade my mind… Rogan kissing another, fucking another, tasting another.
My heart pounds like a drum inside my chest.Ka-boom, ka-boom, ka-boom…
I inhale, try to find relaxation.