Page 2 of Hard and Brutal
“Hi Carlton!” I call out, my chirp disrupting the afternoon quiet.
The blue-eyed boy finally glances up at me. I stare, captivated, as he sweeps a lock of beautiful black hair from his forehead.
“Hey Ramona,” he growls, his teen voice already husky. I find myself wishing he’d say my name again, but I manage a bright smile.
“Whatchya doing?”
“What’s it look like?” Carlton rolls his eyes and continues tinkering with his bike.
“Is your bike messed up?” I lean closer, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever he’s so consumed with. “My dad has more tools if you need them.”
The older boy just shakes his head and gestures to a toolbox on the grass next to him. “I’m fine. Don’t need them,” he answers shortly.
I lick my lips and tap the handlebars on my bike, trying to think of something to say to my neighbor. We used to have an easy friendship, but lately, it feels like he doesn’t want to spend as much time with me.
Finally, I come up with a line. “My mom said I had to play outside. Do you want to go for a bike ride?” I ask, hoping that I don’t sound too excited by the idea.
Carlton huffs and starts throwing tools back into the toolbox without a word. Eventually, he stands up and crosses his arms over his chest. He considers me for a moment, perhaps contemplating whether I’m just an annoying kid today or someone who’s worthy of an adventure.
Finally, he speaks. “Some of the guys and me were going to ride to the Cove – ” my delighted squeal interrupts Carlton. “Are you okay?” he asks, frowning as he takes in my goofy smile.
I nod quickly, trying to contain my delight. But inside, I’m going crazy with excitement. The Cove is the coolest place to hang out in our neighborhood and if Carlton James is inviting me…!
“I can keep up with you guys, promise!” I tell him too quickly. “I’m getting way faster on my bike.”
Carlton glares slightly. “No, Ramona. What I was going to say is that you can’t come with us today.”
My heart sinks. “Why not?” I demand, not caring that I sound like a petulant child.
“Because the Cove is no place for little girls,” Carlton says, his eyes shuttering.
“You never let me go!” I wail. Then I frown, my anger boiling up and over. “And I am not little!”
Now it’s Carlton’s turn to be annoyed. “Come on, Ramona.” There’s a hint of exasperation in his voice. “You know the guys don’t like it when you try to tag along. Besides, you’re not allowed at the Cove. It’s a guys-only spot.”
“What?” I screech. “Says who? Besides, that’s not fair.” My entire body is shaking with anger, and I want to throw something at Carlton for calling me a girl.
At my pouting insistence, he changes tactics. “You’re not invited, so go home, Ramona.” His tone is harsh and authoritative.
I suddenly feel my tiny heart cracking with disappointment. Carlton is using his best ‘I know better than you do’ voice and I hate how bossy he can sound. I feel my eyes grow heavy with tears but refuse to let them flow over.
I will not cry in front of Carlton James, I vow to my ten year old self. It’s not going to happen!
Huffily, I turn my back on my mean neighbor and so-called friend and stomp back into my own front yard. Behind me, I hear Carlton sigh once more and the sounds of him tinkering with his bicycle resume. I plop down on the bottom porch step, dropping my own bike on the grass next to me.
For the next several minutes, I watch as members of the ‘crew’ pull up in front of Carlton’s house.
The other boys are all cute in that lanky, cusp-of-adulthood sort of way, but none of them are as good-looking as my crush. There are the Baker twins, both with fire-red hair and a lot of freckles. There’s Lewis, who grew three inches taller this summer and is always running into things. And finally, Jimmy Linder, who looks like a California surfer wannabe with his blonde hair and persistent tan. The five of them make quite the gang.
My innocent reverence for these boys is a mix of awe and jealously, fueled by my intense crush on the leader of the crew. Sure, they’re a little older than I am, but that never seemed to be a big deal until lately.
I glower as I watch the boys huddle together. It looks like they’re laughing over what appears to be some sort of paper or magazine. Carlton looks up with alarm, shushes them and then dashes into his house, emerging a moment later with his backpack. As he stuffs the magazine into the sack, I squint to try and make out the cover, but it’s no use. I’m too far away to figure out what’s going on.