Page 94 of Biker's Baby Girl
After you stopped coming around they seemed to lose interest. The calls tapered off and then stopped altogether for a while.”
I had to think fast because shit sounded like it was calming down around us and we’d already been here more than ten minutes already. I put shit together in my head and realized she was talking about when I’d pulled back for baby girl’s sake. “So after it seemed like I lost interest in her well being, they lost interest too.”
“It looked like it but we didn’t know for sure, they’d already given us all that money…” She broke off when she realized what she’d said.
“You took money for her?”
“Dude, female.” Travis shook his head at me when I put my gun to her head.
“I give a fuck.” He just shrugged his shoulders so I guess it wasn’t that big of a deal to him after all.
“We didn’t feel like we had a choice.” She was talking fast now, her eyes trying to see the hard cold steel at her temple.
“So after they stopped showing an interest Sal decided to pay her nightly visits in her room after she fell asleep?” Bitch didn’t have an answer for that.
“My friend here’s right, you’re a female that’s the only reason I’m gonna let you breathe, but you still have to pay.” I took half her ear off with my Bowie. I did that shit quick so by the time she felt it, I was already moving onto the next one.
“Get her out of here.” I passed her off to Travis and took the cowering Sal from him. I didn’t need any eyes for this one, and though his dad was a known gangster, I didn’t know him, wasn’t about to commit a crime in front of him no how.
“Told you I’d be back.” I sneered in the pervert’s face.
“If she told you I did anything she’s lying, I never…” He got a punch in the gut for his trouble. “Tell me the fucking truth. I know Khalil he’d deal with you more than her since the sick fuck has a deep-rooted hatred of women. Who when and where?”
It seemed to take a minute for him to switch gears once he realized I wasn’t asking him about his perverted shit. I didn’t need to go over that shit again, but I needed to know about the other.
“Why should I tell you anything after what you did to me?” He actually sulked like a little fucking boy, making me sick to my stomach. “Because if you don’t you’re dead.” At least that gave him hope that he might make it out alive.
Jake came upon us then, and the fucker got brave. Probably thought I wouldn’t off him in front of an audience, or maybe he smelt cop on Jake. Whatever the fuck his issue was, he decided to go full fucking fuckwit.
“She caught a good price, who knows what the desert rat who bought her was gonna do with her? He sure didn’t mind paying out the nose. But then you stopped coming around and the calls stopped just like Dee said.
We figured we were gonna have to give all that money back but we’d already spent it. We were gonna make a run for it. But then they stopped calling too and we were in the clear, or so we thought.” He was sulking again.
“Is that when you started going into her room?” For some reason he balked at this, he had no problem telling me he’d sold her, but he wouldn’t admit to this; maybe because the memory of me ringing off his dick was still fresh in his mind. Then his eyes shifted to Jake’s and he forgot again.
“So what if I did, wasn’t no harm in it, nothing wrong with looking is there?” My hand twitched and I almost did him then but I needed more. “When was the last time you heard from them?”
“Not long after your little visit. It’s like they were watching and waiting. How were we to know they still wanted her? And I was just working my way up to getting a taste.” The fucker licked his lips and seemed to have gone off into his own little world after saying that shit.
“Fuck this shit.” I grabbed him by the neck and started dragging. He came back to his senses right fucking quick then but it was already too late. Not that it would’ve made a difference whatever he said. He was dead the second he first walked into her room.
“Hey what’re you doing? Hey you stop him.” He started screaming bloody murder as I dragged him by his neck and carted him towards the edge of the mountain.
“You sold her you fuck and then you violated her, a scared young girl that I left in your care.” I tossed his ass over the side and walked away before the echoes of his scream died.