Page 87 of Biker's Baby Girl
There was a knock on the door and some smooth biker type stood there looking like he owned the place. “I’m looking for Lyon.”
“Travis you made it.” Lyon moved across the room to greet the newcomer before introducing him to everyone except Law who already knew him.
He looked around the room with a smirk on his face that I didn’t understand until I caught his last name. “Fuck! Lyon you play in the big leagues don’t you brother?” Everyone knew Travis’ old man if not personally, then by reputation. The man just might make The Fox look like an innocent.
Jake was eyeing the kid who wasn’t paying anyone any mind. He was there for one reason and one reason only, to share information.
He passed off an envelope to Lyon who snatched it open before scanning the contents and then passing them around.
“He’s here.” I looked up at the Travis guy who was leaning against the wall at ease.
“Yep. But he’s a small fish in a big pond. My dad’s doing some more digging, but since my boy Colt needed this shit yesterday and it involves my Goddaughter I figured I’d bring what I have for now.”
“He’s a small time crook who somehow made it onto one of those military contractor deals a few years back. There’s no record of exactly what he did there, but he came back with new connections and a whole new group of friends.”
The SEALs shared a look and a grin. “Damn son you just answered one of our questions for us. We couldn’t figure out how he went from small time crook to the big leagues. Funny though, we didn’t find any record of him being a contractor and our connects would’ve known that.” Lo didn’t look too pleased about that.
We went back to the board and put all the new pieces together until shit was starting to make sense. At least I had a name and now a face.
I went down the line until we came to Stockton and why he might be hiding out here, which was another piece of the puzzle that was missing. I was still trying to figure out how he came across her and how they made the connection to me.
Jake took over from there since his people had been feeding him intelligence the whole time we were in there.
“Your boy Stockton came home, he was born here. Folks moved up east when he was too young to know. Guess who’s his great uncle? The- Grand-whatever-the-fuck himself.
It looks like they’ve been using this area and some of the surrounding towns as their hunting ground; lots of missing teenage girls in the last few years.
You guys were the exception to the rule it seems like. The other girls in this file and their families have no known association with this Desert guy or the family you mentioned.
What it looks like is this ring has been in existence for a while. We’ll have to dig farther to figure out who started it, but somewhere along the way someone started using it against at least a few of you in this room.
From what Logan has said, it appears the Fox guy is calling the shots and this family is his puppet on a string stateside. He used this to go after your women I’m guessing because you fucked with him for three years.
And in turn, the family used this opportunity to get back at you Lyon for whatever happened to the son that I just found out has been missing for as long as you’ve been married give or take a few weeks.”
I have to give it to him Lyon is one cool fuck. He didn’t even bat a lash even though I was pretty sure a top ranking law enforcement officer had just accused him of murder.
“I only have one question, when do we ride?” Lyon stopped his prowling shit long enough to ask.
“Boys, I can’t officially be a party to any conversation that deals with vigilantism.” I guess Jake felt the need to put that shit out there but we all got his meaning when he cut the connection to his office.
“Okay what’s the plan?” That’s what the fuck I’m talking about. Enough of this talking shit it’s time for some action. I wasn’t as interested in the Stockton guy as I was in Dee and Sal. I figured we’d get to the bottom of the rest of this shit in due time.
I’m pretty sure Lo and his boys were gonna go after the Fox at some point and maybe I’ll get in on that, but for now I was more than ready to take care of my problem.
We brainstormed for what felt like hours until the women broke that shit up to feed us. After that it was time for a break anyway since we’d been at it for fucking ever. So we each went our separate ways except Lyon and the Travis guy, those two seemed deep in thought.