Page 85 of Biker's Baby Girl
We exchanged a look and went back to what we were doing with a new understanding. I need action. Even when I worked with the SEAL team in the past, I only came in on the tail end. I was usually the one in the trees or the clefts waiting to pick a motherfucker off. Yes that shit took patience, but there was none of that tedious planning shit. Just aim and shoot, it’s what the fuck I do.
At about noon we took a break and I went and found babygirl. I took her out of Law’s place and headed for the guesthouse next door. “This is going to be hard and fast.” I pushed her back against the wall and tore her panties down her thighs, before unleashing my dick.
I played up and down her slit with my swollen cockhead until she juiced and then slid home. I fucked out the last few hours’ frustration in her pussy, banging her poor body into the wall until she was begging me for mercy. I pulled her down to the floor and drove into her over and over again until she tightened around me and screamed and I came a shitload inside her.
Only then did the dark haze lift from my eyes and I was able to think clearly again. “I love you.” I held her tighter, closer as I left my cock breathing inside her. “I want to have a baby with you.” Shit; what the fuck was up with me, and blurting shit out when I didn’t mean to?
“You mean it?”
“Of course I do.” I pulled back to look down into her face. “I want to have lots and lots of babies with you.” I kissed her again as my cock hardened inside her and went for round two.
By the time I offloaded inside her the second time I was feeling human again. “What freaky shit are you and your girls planning for my ass later?” She blushed and ran her fingers over my chest. “Ginger was talking about this new position…”
Her voice trailed off and she got red as a chili pepper. “We’ll try it later.” I pulled out and helped her to her feet before heading to the bathroom to clean us both up. I gave her pussy a little tongue action from behind while she leaned over the sink, before heading back out to meet the boys.
“Okay, so this is what we’ve got so far. The shit seems to have started in Georgia, here.” I pointed to the map at the area where the SEALs place was located. Everyone had come back from break ready for action.
“You said you found a tunnel running from the water to his house or vice versa. Now we have to figure out how he gets them to his house from the rest of the country.”
I was feeling ten times lighter after my little break and because of the fact that when we got back to the room Jake had done his thing and uncovered more info for us to work with. If this shit kept up, we could be making a move in the next few hours, tomorrow the latest.
“We’ve identified most of the girls, but sadly, most of them are already missing. I have someone working on some kind of pattern to see how they’re choosing them and when they started.” Jake gave his report of what else he’d done so far.
“There’s no real connection between any of the girls on this list, but I’m thinking there is and we’re just overlooking it somehow, there has to be a connection. I hate to say it, but the fact that two of us in this room, make that three, have been affected by this in some way, might be key.”
That shit had been plaguing me all the way back here. Jessie didn’t know Dana Sue before yesterday, or Lyon’s kid. So how did all three end up in the same book?
“So let’s look at it. Ty how are you and I connected? We ran Ops together in the desert.”
“The problem with that is I didn’t know Victoria-Lyn back then.” Ty pitched in.
“Doesn’t matter, let’s go back. This is the starting point, your new hometown, where your old CO used to live.”
“Do we know when the shit started?” Lyon moved around on his chair and I knew he was getting antsy, can’t say that I blamed him. My woman was across the way and so was Ty’s. His kid, though he’d put eyes on her, wasn’t close enough for him to protect himself. That shit would make anybody nervous.
“According to the old timers a little over a year before we got there. We now know that the CO was onto whatever it was they had going on, so it could’ve been up to six months before that.” Logan rocked back in his chair as I tried to clear my mind. The answer was there but I was just not hitting on it.