Page 83 of Biker's Baby Girl
“It will be, call me the minute you and the kids are in the house.” I heard her talking to the baby as she got him dressed to go outside. I couldn’t help thinking of how she’d looked when I’d left her only a few short hours ago.
The way she always looked every morning in my bed. Well fucked and happy, giving her man shit about something or other. I remembered my kids at the breakfast table noisy and happy, and super imposed over that image was the one I’d just seen of my innocent little girl in that fucking book.
I hung up and called my father in law. “Drake I have a situation here can’t get into it now but I just sent Kat to pick the kids up from school. I need you to meet her there with a few of your deputies and escort them home. I need you to call dad and Emory and tell them to get to the house. My family is not to be left alone until I get back there.”
“Colt what the hell is going on?”
“I just saw my fucking daughter in some child trafficker’s book that’s what the fuck is going on.”
“You what, okay hold on, let’s think this thing through, first where are you?”
“Like I said, can’t get into it now, I have to deal with this shit.” I knew why he was asking but he was shitting in the wind. That fucker was as good as dead, the fuck.
“Yeah I know but Colt, don’t do anything stupid, think about Katarina and the kids. Let the law handle it…”
I’m pretty sure he wasn’t talking about Law, but what he didn’t know won’t hurt him. “Law’s already on it.” I hung up before he could ask me anything more and headed back inside to wait for the call from my wife.
The shit didn’t seem real, I felt like I was outside of my body looking in. The men were in the room brainstorming, while my own guys were giving me looks like what the fuck are we waiting for? I nodded to let them know I understood and we were on the same fucking page.
There was nothing I could do until I knew more, but I know these soldier boy fuck types, they’re into that law and order bullshit. I don’t have time for that fuckery, not when it comes to mine.
So I sat and I listened and pieced shit together. I didn’t give a fuck who did what to whom, I was just waiting for the name of the motherfucker who put the book together. At least they knew one of the players from what I had garnered, I’ll start there.
“What’s this fuck’s name again, the one who had the book?” I directed my question to the Logan guy since he’s the one who sent the book.
“Who Stockton, Carlson, why?” I pulled my phone again. It was answered on the second ring. “Lyon isn’t our meet tomorrow?”
“Yeah Travis but something came up, I need your dad’s resources. Do you know anything about child trafficking in our neck of the woods?”
“There’s always some fuck going on, people are too fucking idle. I haven’t heard anything but I’ll ask the old man. If it’s happening around here he’d know; what’s going on?”
“Someone put the bead on your Goddaughter.” Saying those words burnt a hole in my gut. “What the fuck you say?”
“Yeah, I’m looking at it now.”
“You home?”
“Nah, I’m at Law’s.” I noticed that the room was quiet; they were all listening in on my conversation.
“I’ll be there in three let me get dad on it. You got a name associated or nah?” I gave him the only name we had before hanging up. I felt a little better knowing that shit was being done.
I looked at the SEAL, Tyler I think they’d called him. “I know you think he’s yours because he worked over your woman, but if he’s the fuck responsible for putting my little girl in that fuck we’re gonna tussle.”
He moved against the wall and didn’t say anything for the longest while, just stared at me. “We’ll share, there’s more than enough of the fuck to go around.” Good enough. I wasn’t looking forward to butting heads with anyone in the room out of respect for Law and the fact that they seemed cool, but I will if I have to.
Like I said, that law and order shit is for the birds. I’m not talking over shit with this motherfucker. I get eyes on him he’s as good as dead.
“Creed you said you think your woman’s aunt and her man might be responsible for your girl being in there, where are they?” Please give me someone to hunt; this sitting around shit will drive my ass nuts.
“Fuckers pulled a runner but Law thinks they might be in the hills around here being protected by the local hate brigade.” He sneered that shit and I could see that he wasn’t too far off from what I was feeling.