Page 81 of Biker's Baby Girl
I saw Zak, Dev, Cord and Quinn either browbeating or lecturing the women I wasn’t sure which, but it didn’t look like they were having much luck.
“How’s it hanging brother, where’s the wild one?” They looked around for Creed but he and his woman weren’t back yet. “Should be here soon, he got married last night so him and his bride headed up to the cabin a few miles in. Say, you boys need the priest? He should still be around here somewhere.”
“Don’t think so, no offense but our women would mutiny if we deny them the shindig they’ve been planning for fucking ever. Bad enough we’ve had to put it off because of this bullshit, but me for one will not be telling Gabriella that she can’t have what the fuck she wants.”
“Bitch made one and two at it again.” Ty had passed the baby off to her mom and joined us. Come to think of it, he seemed more relaxed than I’d ever seen him, a lot less rough around the edges too.
The seven of them were soon surrounding me but no one brought up the reason for them being here as yet, I guess they were waiting for the women to get settled.
They had a kid with them that they just introduced as Davie and I figured he was in training for some fuck and left it at that. His sister was among the women too apparently and I wondered fleetingly since when the SEALs became babysitters.
Dana Sue had got herself together and was putting her fancy East Coast schooling bullshit to good use, playing hostess. Of course she was drooling over the baby, which reminded me of what she’d done immediately after I fucked her just now. Her ass better not be sick like that every morning or I’d lose my shit for sure.
We heard the rumbling of an engine minutes before Creed came barreling around the corner. His stride was a little more relaxed when he walked around to help his new bride down from the truck, and he didn’t seem to mind PDA, since he damn near ate her face off with a kiss. Then again knowing him, he could be marking his for all to see.
He watched her walk over to the other women to be introduced before joining us. “Hi boys long time no see.” I’m thinking he had a good fucking night because he was no longer looking like he was ready to chew nails. We were in a fucked up place if I was the one monitoring everyone else’s mood. I hope my town survived this little get together when the dust settled.
“Are we all here? I need to get a bead on this Stockton fucker if he’s around here before he flies the coop again.” Now that was the Ty I knew and loved.
“We still haven’t seen him yet but if you tracked him here and that book ties in then there are only so many places around here he could be hiding out. We’ll get to the bottom of it. Just one more player, he should be here…”
Just then Chaz opened up the gate and a whole fucking crew of bikers came riding in. The leader dismounted off his custom made top of the line ride with his wife’s name emblazoned on the side and headed for us. One smooth motherfucker this one, and the shades just tipped that shit over the edge.
“Fuck Lyon, what did you do, bring the whole gang?” We slapped hands before sharing a man hug while his guys dismounted.
“Well from your hemming and hawing bullshit I gathered this little meet wasn’t about bikes so I came prepared.” He stopped short when he saw the others lined off in the middle of the yard.
“What the fuck is this Law a soldier boy’s convention?” He looked around at the others before returning his gaze back to me. “The government know you soldier boy fucks are planning a coup?”
“Funny! No, this isn’t about that…” Shit, how the fuck do you tell an irrational man that one of his was in danger? I know this fucker and though he didn’t serve he would’ve made one hell of a mercenary. Then again that may not be true because he didn’t take direction well.
“Is it your family, the deal with your folks and your kid sister? I told you we’d come down and take care of it, but you said…”
“Nah, it’s not that either my bird ran to ground and the other one’s six deep.” Shit Law stop being a bitch and tell the man already. Yeah, but I was trying to imagine being in his shoes and how I would react to this shit.
I looked across the yard to where Dana Sue and her meddling ass posse were taking Creed’s woman and the teams’ girls off somewhere. Good, at least they would be safe in case something went haywire with this fucking guy.