Page 73 of Biker's Baby Girl
“Don’t leave this yard for any reason. From here to Law’s place that’s it. If you lose your fucking mind and forget those instructions come find me in the clubhouse so I can remind you. Now give me your mouth.” I kissed her long and hard before releasing her on shaky legs. “Behave yourself.”
I left her with her friends and headed for my ride. I was pretty sure Law was gonna try and stop me, he’s Mr. Let’s plan shit, which I usually am as well when it comes to this shit, but not this time. I’m gonna line both those fucks up and put a bullet in them. There has to be a pack of wild dogs around here I can feed them to-to keep the law off my ass.
“Hold it, they’re not there, I checked after calling you in.” That brought me up short. It was like the fucker had been waiting for me to make my move all this time. What was he saying though?
They couldn’t be gone yet, Jason had only just told me about the house situation. Did they expect me to come back and finish what I’d started the other night? “Where the fuck are they?”
“My best guess, their friends are hiding them out in the hills. Word is you put a hurting on Sal, and made some pretty heavy threats afterwards. You may not be the only reason they went into hiding though. If they’re the ones responsible for putting her in that lineup, then they’re in deep shit themselves.”
“Think about it, you took her out of there what four, five days ago? From what little I gathered so far, losing her could mean big trouble for the aunt and uncle and whoever is running this shit. They’re gonna be holed up looking for trouble so we wait.”
“What hills, where?” I looked beyond the walls he’d built around his place towards the hills running along the horizon in the distance. He could wait I wasn’t about to. I needed to talk to those two and find out how far this shit had gone. If money had changed hands then the shit could get ugly.
If some fuck somewhere was already fixated on her as it appeared might be the case from all the fucking notations referring to her, then there was no telling what he would do. I’d seen it all already and not my fucking babygirl. The mere thought that someone was even out there thinking he had any rights to her burned my ass.
My experience, some of these sick fucks actually started believing that they owned the people they paid for whether that person had anything to do with what the fuck was going on or not. If I have to hop on a plane and head to the desert to put a hole in some fuck’s head for being stupid, I’d rather know right fucking now.
I was on the move, wasn’t sure where the fuck I was going but I’d figure it out since Law wasn’t looking like he was about to help. “Chaz hold the gate closed, don’t let him through.” Law gave his guy that order and almost lost his fucking head for his efforts. “You better rescind that order brother.” I turned to glare at him.
“Justice stand the fuck down would ya, I said we wait, they’re gonna be expecting this shit.”
“No.” I didn’t even stop walking. Law might know his shit, but I know he’d never seen this side of evil before so he could have no clue as to the lengths these fuckers would go to.
“ I will level this whole fucking town to kill that one cockroach Law. Unless you want me to go through your crew first you’d better tell these fucks not to fuck with me or I’ll make you look like a choir boy.”
“Calm your ass down. Why the fuck am I saddled with hot headed fucks? You can’t go after them this hot, let things cool down for a day or two. I’ve asked around, it seems this shit is running rampant in these parts, fucking breeding programs or some shit. Girls have been going missing going back years. There’s more going on here than we know. We go in now before we know more we’re putting a lot of fucking lives at stake.”
“Besides, I’m waiting on another call before we move. I think this shit might be tied into something else that runs through a big chunk of the country.”
“What the fuck are you talking about Law?”
“You remember Lo and his boys, got out and settled somewhere in Georgia?”
“I heard something about that so what does that have to do with this?”
What the fuck do the SEALs have to do with this shit? As far as I know those guys never ran Ops on domestic soil. But then again they were part of an elite squad so who knows what the fuck.