Page 67 of Biker's Baby Girl
She had learned me well enough in the last few days of nonstop fucking, so she knew I roared like a fucking beast when I came, not to mention she had told me more than once that she could actually feel my shit shooting into her.
“You didn’t…?”
“No.” I pulled my jeans back in place and ignored the pain in my cock. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of cumming in her back or going to the bathroom to rub that shit out. She was going to learn that no matter what, she never fucking go against me.
I saw the hurt and ignored it as I walked away. If I caved now she’d be running fucking circles around me for the rest of my life; that’s not how this shit works. “Go get cleaned up we’re leaving in ten minutes.”
She lost the color in her face and I knew what she was thinking, but before I could set her straight she was across the room, throwing herself into my arms.
“Please don’t send me back, I didn’t mean it.” She held onto me like I was her lifeline. I wasn’t mad enough to let her go on thinking that shit even for a second. “Hey, look at me.”
I took her face in my hands and looked into her tear filled eyes. “Never, I will never send you away no matter what you did, no matter how mad I get, you got that? Don’t ever think that, now go clean up.” I kissed her forehead and set her away from me.
She didn’t want to leave, like she thought I was lying to her, but in the end she went into the bathroom and closed the door.
How the fuck did I get myself into this shit? I’m either gonna have to talk her into letting Deidre stay, or go back on a promise, hard fucking thing to do when your word is your bond. But nothing means more than she does so if it came down to it, she wins. I had the next few days at least to try to get her to see reason; we’ll see.
While she was cleaning up I went out into the clubhouse and called Max to gather the others for a little briefing before we headed out. I hadn’t even had time to think about what the fuck Law had waiting for me before this pile of crap was thrown in my lap.
The guys filed in one by one looking bored as shit but I knew that was a con. “Cam, Rog, you’re gonna need to grab an overnight bag we’re headed to Law’s for a few days. I don’t know what exactly he’s got going on but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my girl. Pack your hardware, something pops off I don’t want us standing around with our dicks in our hands.”
“Max, everything looks good around here, make sure it stays that way before we head out. If this shit is what I think it is I’m gonna need all my energies focused on the situation and I don’t want to come back here to any fuck ups.”
“I’ll take care of it, meet you out front in ten.” He headed out leaving me with the other two. I gave them some last minute orders before sending them on their way to say their goodbyes to their women and get what they needed.
I waited until she came out the office and took her home to pack. “Just grab enough shit for a few days, if you run out we’ll go shopping.” She kept giving me looks under her lashes to gauge my anger meter I guess, but my mind was already onto the next thing.
“What is it?” I didn’t turn around to look at her when I answered.
“I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not, you’re pissed and you have the right, just don’t lose your mind again and come at me like you did. If the tables were turned I’d feel the same way but that shit better never ever happen in this life.
With that said what happened between her and I was a long time ago and didn’t mean shit. You’re the one with the ring on her finger, the only one I ever even thought of giving one to.
Like I said, I made a promise to a friend a long time ago, now I have to decide if I can live with myself if I go back on that word to please you. So for the next few days I’m going to be a little sore because the whole fucking thing is fucked, don’t sweat it.” I left the room because I was pissed, not at her, but at the fucking situation.
She clung to me all the way to Law’s, which took a few hours. I think she cried some back there, I felt the wetness hit my cheek when the wind was just right and my visor was up. I hated like fuck that this shit was happening, that we hadn’t even had time to really get to know each other before shit went south.