Page 6 of Biker's Baby Girl
“When we leave here, I’m taking her to Doc Stevens. If he finds that she’s been messed with in anyway I will light this fuck to the ground with you in it.” Like fuck I was taking her to some other fuck to put hands on her, but this lying bitch didn’t need to know that.
“He didn’t touch her-it didn’t get that far….” Her voice trailed off when she realized what she’d given away with her hurried words, but she’d already told me all I needed to know.
The story I’d heard pretty much correlated with what she was saying, but I’d needed to know just how much she knew and how accurate my Intel was. Now I know.
“So you knew, you unconscionable bitch.” I was about to snatch the bitch bald when I heard the tires on the gravel outside. My head whipped around in that direction as I scented my prey.
“Run Sa…” She opened her mouth to scream out a warning but my hand around her throat lifting her off the ground cut that shit off. No I didn’t give a fuck that it was female, what the fuck?
“You make another fucking sound and you’re done.” I added enough pressure to let her know how easy it would be to carry out that threat, before pushing her ass back against the wall next to the door with my hand still holding her pinned in place.
I heard babygirl moving around upstairs and hoped she stayed put until I was finished doing what I had to do.
“Dee whose hog…?” The fucker didn’t get another word out because I dropped one prey for another. I flung her aside like the garbage she was and grabbed him with my other arm before slamming my fist into his gut.
Her screams were annoying the fuck outta me only because I knew my girl would hear them and come running, she hated for me to be in danger. I used what time I had left to pulverize his kidneys before letting him fall like a rotted sack of potatoes.
“You’re lucky she’s upstairs or I would end you. Not to worry though, I’ll be back you sick fuck, and next time I’ll finish what I started.” I moved away from him just as she came down the stairs.
“You ready? Lets go.”
“Are you…?” Her eyes were wide with fright as she searched me for damage.
“No babygirl I’m fine we have to go.” I tried blocking her view of the two people who were still trying to make it up off the floor, as I took her little backpack and threw it over my shoulder.
“Let’s go baby we’re done here.” I led her outside and to my ride before turning to the other that was now sitting there. I used my boots and the Spurs on my heels to destroy the shit.
Only real men should ride, assholes like this piece a shit who owned this, gave the rest of us a bad name. I did as much damage as I could before drawing my bowie and slicing the tires to ribbons.
She didn’t say a word but she was watching my every move, wringing her hands and looking worried. “Stop that baby I’m here now, no more fear.” I could only hope that it’s that fucking easy.
I fitted her helmet on her head and made sure it was straight before zipping up the lightweight jacket she had on. I could feel her body trembling slightly as I helped her on the back of my ride, so I reminded her again.
“You’re safe now, stop worrying.” I didn’t have time to reassure her more than that; that will come later. I walked away a few feet and pulled my phone. There was one last thing I had to do before this fuck took matters into his own hands on my behalf.
“Law, I’ve got my girl, thanks for the heads up brother.”
“You end that fuck?”
“Couldn’t, not in front of babygirl. By the way, you never told me how you came to know about this shit.” Not that I was surprised, Law knew pretty much everything that was going on in his town these days.
“Brand’s woman dropped the word in his ear. Seems your girl almost let it slip a time or two in the last couple of months. After she got settled in here she figured we were into helping damsels in distress or some fuck.”
“She’s not too far off on that one brother, I owe you one.”
“You want me to take care of it for you since your hands are tied? My prey went into hiding and I’m bored as fuck.”
“Nah brother, this one’s mine, I’ll catch you later.”
It was a given I’d be back this way soon. Law had kept me and pretty much everyone else out of his troubles because it was his blood to shed, but after doing me a solid like this there was no way he wasn’t getting my help.