Page 50 of Biker's Baby Girl
How did it look that my boys could tell their women no and stay on the ground, while I ended up here? I’m gonna make them pay for that shit too.
I forgot all about it when the death machine started up and she grabbed onto me in fear and excitement. I sat there like an ass trying to keep her fear away and making sure she enjoyed it when I didn’t want her on the shit in the first place.
Her nails dug into the skin of my arm, she screamed bloody murder as she buried her face in my chest, and the whole time I was plotting the demise of ticket guy and every fuck who had anything to do with this place.
I was only too happy when it stopped and we began to file off. “Can we do it again?” I looked at her in disbelief. Now mind you, I didn’t have much of a childhood so I’m pretty sure I missed a lot.
But I was also pretty sure that if something scared you to the point that you almost took the skin off another human being’s arm that that would be a clear indication that you shouldn’t be doing that shit again.
On top of that, tomorrow was the day I was getting inside her for the first time and I needed her ass whole for that. “No.”
I grabbed her arm and pulled her away while she looked back over her shoulder. She sulked for all of five minutes, that’s how long it had taken for me to win her one of the ugly ass stuffed animals they had there.
My only joy was in the fact that since I’d gone on the ride with her, the rest of the women saw it as an offense that their men hadn’t done the same and were giving them hell. Now it was my turn to laugh as I had my girl under control while their asses were being dragged to hell and back.
Dinner that night was at an out of the way Honky-Tonk. The kind of place the locals frequent and the clientele runs to bikers and out-of-towners passing through, who wanted the Western experience.
“You have to have something more than salad and chicken wings baby, how about a steak?” She looked like I asked her to eat the whole cow. I knew she wasn’t one of those tree hugger types who only ate grass and shit, but I had yet to see her eat anything substantial.
No doubt it had something to do with her home life. “A burger?” She gave me the look and I knew I was going to be in trouble with this one. I nodded my head yes and she almost levitated out of her seat.
It was going to be hell keeping shit on an even keel. Because of everything she’d been denied, I’m going to want to make up for that shit, but how do I keep from going too far left?
She seemed to have already tested the waters and knew which way the wind blows, because she knows she has me wrapped around her little finger. I’m thinking that may not be such a good thing, because if she pushed me too far she could end up hurt. Ergo the need to keep my eye on shit and keep a tight rein.
It’s strange but now that we were down to the last twenty-four hours I wasn’t checking my watch as much. I didn’t feel that near panic feeling that had been hounding me the last month or so. She was here now and there was no force on earth that could come between us.
“You want dessert baby?” I whispered in her ear just before nuzzling it. She giggled and scrunched up her shoulders and it was so damn cute I couldn’t help stealing a kiss.
My PDA was off the fucking charts. Something I’m sure the others were getting a kick out of since they’d never seen me so much as hold a woman’s hand in public.
The place was starting to pick up and the noise level had risen a bit. The guys weren’t exactly on alert but they weren’t looking like the most inviting types either.
That shit usually drew out the crazies, a lot of these grizzly motherfuckers always have to prove who has the bigger balls and since I wasn’t about to start shit with her there I wanted out as soon as possible.
“I’m stuffed Creed.” She was also dragging ass if her half closed eyes were any indication. I kissed her head and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Her hair still had the scent of the sun and the way she just sagged into my chest made my heart kick in my chest.
“I’m taking her out of here she’s beat. You clowns keep shit together.” They’ve been known to close down a place or two just for the sake of showing their asses when I wasn’t around. And since I knew that I wasn’t going to see the light of day for at least the next twenty-four solid, I thought it prudent to hand out that warning.