Page 4 of Biker's Baby Girl
I didn’t stop to question, not even when she asked him what he thought he was doing. “What’re you doing? You can’t just come in here and change things up without any notice. What’s she doing up there?” I didn’t hear anymore after that but I sure did move fast getting what little I needed together.
I had hoped and prayed for this day for so long that it was hard to believe that it was actually here; but why now? And why was he acting like he knew more than he should? I wasn’t about to question anything though, this is what I wanted, what I’d always wanted since my feelings for him had changed.
It wasn’t even a gradual build up either that change, it just hit me one day out of the blue, like a ton of bricks falling from the sky, and I haven’t been the same since.
And now he was here and he was taking me away with him. I didn’t care where just as long as he was there I knew all would be well. I wouldn’t let my heart really enjoy until I was well away from this place though. Please don’t let her sway him like she usually does.
I hastily threw the only things that meant anything to me into my little cloth sack at the thought. There wasn’t much, mostly mementos and keepsakes from our times together over the years. Whatever she hadn’t found and discarded every chance she got that is.
I didn’t want to take too long, just in case it was a dream and he was gone when I got back down there. Or worse yet she was able to convince him with her lies. I couldn’t stand that, not after he’d held me like that, not after the promise of being taken away from here. I’d just die.
Chapter 2
I looked at the woman in front of me wordlessly. I hadn’t come here for this, not yet, not in front of my babygirl. I’d made a conscious choice a long time ago that none of the darkness of life would ever touch her again. That I would stand between her and whatever came. That’s why although I was prepared for war, I’d come here knowing that I wouldn’t shed blood in front of her.
In fact I’d come for one thing and one thing only, to take what was mine and get the fuck out. I’d done nothing but think on my way here and I could kick my own ass for leaving things this long. I should’ve come for her as soon as she was of legal age and fuck society’s mores. If I had none of this would’ve happened.
“Did you know?” I barely kept myself from crossing the room to her, because even as I asked- I already knew. I watched her now as she fidgeted; nothing but nerves. She was about to become the first female I fucking offed. Hold it, babygirl’s upstairs, remember? No bloodshed asshole.
“Know what, what’s gotten into you? First you show up out of nowhere and then you ask all these strange questions.” I could break this bitch’s neck. Not only because she was a fuck up, but because she’d fooled me into thinking that she could be trusted, and by so doing had put my babygirl in danger.
My babygirl fuck! There was a time when that meant something a whole lot different than it does now. Back then it meant pigtails and cotton candy on a bright summer day. Now, now it meant hot nights and sweat.
Yeah, that’s what I think about now when I picture her. Under me, with me buried so deep inside her there was no end and no beginning, and the heat of our bodies making us sweat. I shook it off when it was getting to be too much. Now was not the time, but soon.
I moved forward towards my prey, willing myself not to strangle her ass before I got my answers. “Did you fucking know what he was doing to her?” It was the flinch that gave her away. If she’d looked confused in the least I would’ve given her a break, but her reaction convinced me that she either knew or suspected, either way she was aware.
“Tell me where the fuck he is or you can get some of what he has coming to him.”
“How do you know it’s even true? You know she’s always making things up to make us look bad.”
Hearing her say that in that familiar way, reminded me of every time she’d convinced me of just that shit in the past. Every time my babygirl would write or call me with a complaint, she’d give me the same half ass excuse. And me being a fucking hump would always fall for the okey-doke.