Page 34 of Biker's Baby Girl
From what Law had told me these people were heavy into hate and low on sense, a bad fucking combination if you ask me. I never even knew she was around that kind of shit, just one more thing that I’d failed her in.
Dee was gonna get her turn, but I knew her shit was money. I’m just waiting on Jason to take everything she owned so she’d get the picture that it was never too wise to fuck with me and mine.
That little buzz cut was child’s play compared to what the fuck I’d do to them both if they fucked around. She didn’t seem too badly scarred by their shit, but then again it had only been one day, who knows what the fuck she was holding in?
The men came straggling in one by one, which told me what kind of night they’d had while I was gone. At least the fucking place was still standing and the asshole cops weren’t at my door; progress.
I waited until they were all there and looking as attentive as they could be at that time of the morning after a long night. I wanted their full attention because the first one to step outta line was getting FUBARRED and I didn’t want any fucking excuses.
“Listen up, my wife is here.” That woke them the fuck up. Between the eye popping and the what the fuck looks thrown around the room I think all remnants of sleep had disappeared.
“It goes without saying that she is to be respected as my wife any slip-ups on that one you’re out I don’t care if you shared womb time with me and none of you here have. Anyone even look at her with anything but brotherly love will lose a nut.”
I let that shit settle in and watched as they shifted from leg to leg with pained looks on their faces. Good, they were a little more awake, not all the way here yet, but enough.
“I’m gonna need you lot to be on guard for the next little while because of some shit that’s gone down. She’s asleep right now, but I’ll introduce you as soon as she’s up and about.” I threw out the pictures of Sal and Dee that I’d blown up in my office five minutes earlier and made copies of.
“If you see these two anywhere in the vicinity, detain them, but leave them for me to deal with. All you need to know for now is that they are a danger. Any questions?” I’m pretty sure I knew what it was going to be and I wasn’t disappointed. Like I said, not many people knew about her or my attachment.
No doubt they thought it was one of the many women I’d paraded in and out of here over the years. Though why the fuck they’d think that when I hardly ever gave anyone a repeat performance was beyond me. “Yeah boss, when did we get married?”
“A long fucking time ago Jimmy.” Let them make of that what they will. I wasn’t in the habit of explaining myself when it came to personal shit, I’m sure they’ll piece it together eventually.
The others pretty much kept their opinions to themselves for now, but I had a feeling that had more to do with the booze they’d downed the night before than out of any respect for my privacy. I’m pretty sure I’d be bogged down with questions before long.
“One more thing, I’m gonna need y’all to keep the sheep on a leash for the time being. My girl is kind of on the innocent side, I don’t want her seeing certain things.” The fucks looked like they expected me to start censoring, and curtailing their natural proclivities, which I wasn’t about to do. When there was nothing more forthcoming they relaxed again.
“She’s an unknown then?”
“Yes Max, it’s Jessie.” I saw realization dawn in his eyes and the slow smile that started to spread across his lips, nosy fuck. Of course he knew who she was he was my right hand and the closest thing I had to a friend outside of Law.
I dismissed them since they didn’t have anything else to say and took Max aside to fill him in some more. Like I said, he was my right hand man, the only person other than Law and babygirl that I would consider trusting, and as such knew a little more than most.
“I don’t expect to be away from her for any length of time, not now anyway, but I want you to promise me that if anything happens to me, or if I’m not around for whatever reason, you’ll make sure she’s okay.”
“What the fuck Creed? You expecting trouble?” His hackles were already raised and his stance changed automatically to protective mode. That’s one of the reasons he’s allowed so close. You save a man’s life once and he thinks he has to have your back forever and a day.