Page 30 of Biker's Baby Girl
Yeah and if you don’t take her someone else will. Like fuck! As usual it only took that reminder to get me back on track. With one last look of longing and a lingering kiss to her brow I turned and walked to the other side of the room.
I stripped down and climbed into bed feeling ten pounds lighter now that she was safe with me. Tomorrow I’ll figure out what to do about my lifestyle and all the other bullshit I was gonna have to change to accommodate her.
No hardship, there wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. I fell off into sleep feeling better than I had in years if ever. Just a few more days and I’ll never sleep without her next to me again.
I felt a weight hit my bed some time after I fell out and didn’t have to open my eyes to know it was her. I didn’t ask her any questions, didn’t dwell on what demons had driven her to my bed. I was just immensely grateful that she trusted me enough to come to me.
I turned and wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled in close. I didn’t sense any fear in her and sent up a silent thank you that I hadn’t fucked up too badly.
“You okay babygirl?” I held her as close as I could, like I was trying to blend our two bodies together. “I am now.” There was a lot of meaning in those three words, and I smiled in the dark before falling asleep with her held tight in my arms. Right where she belonged.
Chapter 8
We were both a little tired the next morning so breakfast was a rushed affair before we got on the road. I wanted to leave early because I wasn’t sure what, if any play Sal was gonna make, and I didn’t want her caught in the middle.
If I’d been thinking straight I would’ve waited until she was out of harm’s way like I’d planned to, but what’s done is done. After her little trip down memory lane, I couldn’t, not go fuck his shit up. He’s lucky his ass is still breathing the sick fuck.
“If you’re gonna fall asleep back there let me know so I can secure you.” She’d still been a little sleepy in the restaurant because I’d woken her early, and she looked like she could hardly keep her eyes open.
I fixed her helmet and made sure she was seated properly while she assured me that she would stay up for the whole trip. There was a sense of excitement in her voice that I hoped to fuck I didn’t kill somehow.
She’d already dealt with so much bullshit, I shudder to think how she was gonna put up with mine and I had a lot. My restrictions might be a lot different from her aunt’s, but they are restrictions nonetheless.
For her this might seem like a new adventure, and after the way that fucking hag had denied her everything that was good in life I’m sure it very well might be. For me it was the beginning of our life together. A life that I was sure she was going to take time getting used to.
I’d already mapped out certain things in my head, things that were needed to keep her safe and not from the outside world but from me. I already know my triggers and since I never want to hurt her, not even with words, I think it best to get that shit out of the way at our earliest convenience.
Like the fact that if she ever even thought of cheating on me she’d be dead, that one was nonnegotiable. There were others, but none as serious as that one I think. I wasn’t planning to micromanage our relationship, but I was going to be on top of her every step of the fucking way for at least the first coupla years.
I’ve seen the shit people in love can do to each other I’m not down with that fuckery. There will be no do-overs in my little kingdom, fuck that. So to avoid any bullshit I’m going to introduce her to my rules as soon as fucking possible as well as getting to know her likes and dislikes. Because along with my shit that she’s gonna have to put up with, I’m gonna be making damn sure that she’s as happy as it’s possible for one little lady to be.
If I was even half way decent I’d probably give her a few more weeks or even a couple days at least to get used to the idea. Nope, not gonna fucking happen. Blue was not a good look for my balls and swear to fuck my dick might revolt if I even contemplated such a fuck stupid move.