Page 19 of Biker's Baby Girl
Right now though I was feeling pretty raw and I knew she had to be too, so once again I moved away from the fuckery for both our sakes.
“We forgot to order, what do you want? You can have anything you’d like.” I kept my tone light as I moved over towards her and sat on the bed. She bit her lip as we looked over the menu together. So fucking innocent. Mine.
She was hesitant to do even this and I had to bite back the anger. Good thing I knew what she liked and since it was already late I went ahead and chose for her.
“I’ll get you the buffalo wings and that salad that you like.” They were about all she ever ate when we were together so I knew they were her favorites. “Do you want dessert baby?” Her blush didn’t make sense until she told me that the bitch had been denying her dessert for the last couple of years because they would make her fat and ugly.
It seems that my staying away had given her carte blanche to fuck with what’s mine. Too bad for her, she’d chosen the wrong motherfucker to fuck with.
I didn’t let on to anything that was going on inside me, just placed the order and added a slice of double chocolate cake for her. Her eyes lit up at mention of the treat and I added a few more thumps to Dee and Sal’s asses when I got ahold of them.
By the time room service showed up she was a little more relaxed. I’d stopped asking her the hard questions and had kept things light, just asking her about some show she was into on TV. I’m surprised the bitch let her enjoy that much, because it seemed like she’d been bent on destroying my babygirl’s every pleasure.
I wasn’t surprised that Dee and Sal had taken me for a chump. There was no way they could’ve known my true nature, since I’d never shown it to them. Not that many knew it to be honest, except for those who’d ran the streets with me, and the men and women I’d served with.
The fact that I’d been an absentee guardian, had no doubt given them the impression that I didn’t really care. And so they’d taken that as a green light to continue shitting all over her the way her father had for the first half of her life. Little did they know, he might’ve gotten off easy, but they were in for a world of fucking hurt.
I made sure she ate, and by the way she picked at her food I was inclined to believe the bitch had monitored even that. I had a lot to make up for it seems. What must she think of me? It couldn’t be any worse than what I thought of myself.
“Get some sleep sweetheart, you don’t need to clean that up.” I took the dirty dishes from her and placed them back on the tray on the table. She’d eaten all her food and seemed surprised that no one was going to stop her halfway. Just what the fuck had those two monsters done to her anyway?
Don’t think about that shit Creed, not now, it’s late. Take your hotheaded ass to bed and get some rest. Come at it fresh in the morning. Sometimes I wish my conscience would take a flying fucking leap off a bridge.
With food out of the way, my mind went back to its earlier pastime, which was making love to her in every way imaginable. Poor kid, by looking at her it was hard to tell if she’d ever be able to handle me, all of me, and not just in the sack. I’m not exactly the easiest person to get along with. I have some fucked up ways and ideas that I’d picked up along the way.
I’d made up my own rules and by-laws since I’d been old enough to understand how shit worked. It was fucked that she’d lived the life she had, and was now in my clutches. I won’t abuse her, far from it. But I’m going to be a restrictive fuck where she was concerned.
Because of the shit I’d seen along with my natural instinct to dominate, she was in for it. I know me, and I know what I want from her, and for her.
I know that when I fuck her for the first time, it will be more of a branding than anything else. I’d already made up in my mind that she was going to belong to me in every way possible. The kid I was planning to plant in her was just the beginning.
I’ve already started moving shit around in my head to accommodate this change. No one knew I was bringing her home. Those who knew of her existence were few and far between, and none of them had any idea of what I really felt for her. The only one who knew that I was all the way gone over her was Lawton, and that was because I’d gotten toasted one night and spilled my guts.