Page 10 of Pretty Virgin (Rags to Riches 1)
“I’m not playing around!” Gia yells from the other side of the door. “Can’t you pick locks or something?” I hear her hiss to someone out there with her.
“If you want,” the deep male voice tells her.
I have a feeling it’s the guy, Marco, she was with at their mom’s house. I heard him talk about a wedding, so they must be engaged. Pretty sure Jason mentioned that, too, but there’s been a lot to take in today.
“I’m coming,” Jason yells, and I can see he’s trying to get himself together. “Or not cumming,” he mumbles and my face warms.
Jason’s eyes roam over me and I look down to make sure I don’t look like I was just getting it on. I’m really not making a great first impression with his family, which is another reminder that I didn’t know he had one until today. They’re clearly a big part of his life, so why would he keep that from me? It reminds me of how my mom treated me. If I was out of sight, I was out of mind.
Jason walks over and unlocks the door before he swings it open. “Don’t touch her fucking lock,” Jason scolds and Marco raises his hands. Was he really picking my lock for Gia? I find it both annoying and cute. I’m a mess.
“You left your keys in your truck, dipshit.” Gia tosses them at Jason.
“How did you know where I was?” He catches them in midair.
“I followed you.” She looks at him like he asked the world’s stupidest question. I guess stalking is a family trait.
“I tried to talk her out of it,” Marco sighs with a shrug. He doesn’t look as though he tried real hard. From him being willing to pick the lock for her, I’m guessing he does about anything Gia asks.
“You can’t get all up in my business and think I’m not going to get all up in yours.” She puts her hands on her hips, ready to throw down with Jason and it’s kind of cute. I should be mad that she interrupted us, but I need a moment.
Jason went from zero to a hundred and I need to process that. My body is still riding the bliss of the orgasm he gave me. I had no idea I could cum that hard. I’ve touched myself a few times but never got myself off like that. Not even close.
“Sky, this is my sister, Gia. Gia, this is Skyler.” The glare she has on her brother drops from her face as she turns to look at me. I remind myself to stop thinking about orgasms because this is so not the time.
“Finally I have a girl on my side.” Gia rushes over to me. I stand still as she gives me a hug and I’m shocked by the sudden affection from someone I don’t know. After a beat when she doesn’t let go I reach up and hug her back.
“We’re huggers,” she tells me before finally pulling back from me and a giant smile lights up her face. She’s sweet and I see so much of Jason in her features, but other than that they’re two really different creatures. Jon and their mom are the same. They’re sweet and soft, but Jason is the odd one out.
“Us ladies gotta stick together.” She gives me a serious look as she motions with her eyes over to her brother before she mouths the words he’s crazy. I know she’s teasing, but I’m not sure she knows how close to home she’s hit. Jason admitted he has a crazy obsession with me.
I’m not sure if I believe it or not, but he knows some odd things about my personal life. Like when my period was. That could have been a tease that was accurate, or he might have been dead serious. Yeah, I really need to let this all settle in. I didn’t know what to do with that information. I have a feeling he isn’t lying.
“That all?” Jason asks. He’s holding the door open and making it clear he’s ready for them to go. I don’t think his sister popped in for a hello. There has to be more to her visit.
“Jason,” I scold because I don’t want to be rude but he doesn’t have the same sentiment. He wants them gone and the two of us back on my bed.
“Mom said come back to family dinner.” Gia turns to look at her brother. I noticed even in the short time I was at the Fisher home what their mom says goes. She was a sweet woman, but I saw that she wasn’t to be messed with. Gia is looking a lot like her right this second.
“You should go,” I say quickly. It’s for the best if Jason leaves. My body is not in agreement, but I can’t be the reason he stays.