Page 7 of Barely
“Instead, you just be my personal fucking whore until the debt is settled.”
I gag, and he grins.
“So how about this,” he growls, breathing on me. “You lose the panties right here and right now, bend over, and you give Lorenzo a little taste of that sweet little rich girl pussy, huh?”
“I—” the room spins, and it feels like I’m chained to the floor—like I can’t move at all. Like I’m shutting down.
“I’ll just keep dancing,” I whisper, shivering.
“Yeah well maybe I’ve changed my mind,” he growls. “Maybe I don’t want you dancing no more. Maybe I just want you with your mouth open and your legs spread for me any fucking time I want for the next, say, six months.”
The goons chuckle, and I can feel the tears brimming my eyes.
“Please, I—I don’t know where my dad is, but the money—you’ll get it back. I’ll pay you back.”
“I know you will, sweetheart,” Lorenzo grins an oily, horrible smile as he reaches out for me. “I know you—”
The door to the backroom smashes open, half splintering off the hinges, and my jaw drops. Because barging right through and grabbing the first goon that rushes him, twisting the guy’s wrist until there’s a snapping sound, is Principal Kane.
The first guy falls to the floor crying in agony, and when the second bodyguard rushes my Principal, he sweeps the guy’s legs and shoves him, sending him head over heels into the wall with a crunch. Lorenzo swears, jabbing his hand into his jacket pocket. But Principal Kane is faster. He rushes the tubby mob boss and snarls, yanking his out and away, wrenching the little revolver out of his grip, and tossing it across the room. He shoves Lorenzo hard, knocking him over before he whirls, his eyes blazing with searing fire as they land right on me.
I swallow, panting, my skin tingling and my pulse racing as Principal Kane marches over to me. And just then, the room starts to get wobbly, and my legs start to give out.
He catches me, powerful, muscles arms cradling me as he lifts me effortlessly.
“The fuck is—”
“I’m taking her.”
The words rumble out of his mouth, thundering from his barreled chest as he snarls at Lorenzo on the ground. The mob boss scowls.
“The fuck you are. You can’t just come in here and grab my girls, dickwad! I’m calling the cop—”
“Be my guest,” Principal Kane snarls, his face a mask of fury. “You know how old she is?”
Lorenzo scowls. “Eighteen.”
“Try again.”
The mob bosses face falls, paling. “She—she told me. Her ID say’s eighteen!”
“Let’s call the cops then. I’m sure they’ll figure it out for us all, hmm?”
The room is silent, and Principal Kane nods. “We’re leaving. Now.”
He whirls, arms still cradling me and my pulse still racing as the room spins.
“My—my stuff,” I murmur.
He stops, and I manage to nod at a purse and a trench coat hanging on one of the hooks on the walls. He grabs them both, draping the coat over me before he storms for the door. One of the goons starts to get up, but Principal Kane kicks him hard in the ribs, making him grunt and collapse back to the floor.
“You son of a bitch,” Lorenzo hisses. “You’re not gonna get away with—”
“Yes, I am,” he growls savagely, making my pulse skip. “And I see you following me, it’ll be the last thing you do. Understand?”
Lorenzo just glares at him.
“Let’s go,” Principal Kane growls quietly to me, holding me tight as he strides out the door. He heads further down the dark, blue-lit hallway until we hit the back door. He kicks it open and we stride through, marching across the mostly empty parking lot towards a black SUV.
The whole world in spinning, and I can’t quite catch a breath with how utterly surreal this whole thing is. My eyes swivel up to look at his, and I’m opening my mouth to say, well, something, when suddenly everything starts to go black.
“Principal Kane…” I murmur, my eyelids too heavy to lift. “I—”
“I’ve got you, Brynn,” his voice purrs close to my ear, his powerful arms gripping me so possessively and tightly, making me feel so safe.
“I’ve got you.”
He holds me tight, the warmth of his body tingles against my bare skin, and that’s the last thing I remember before it all fades away.