Page 62 of Barely
She laughs. “Jesus, Colton, I’m handing this to you on a silver fucking platter. I’m saying I have a very well-paying job for you, that Brynn can come too, and that for what it’s worth, you have my blessing with her, if you treat her well.”
She pauses.
“And you will treat her well?”
“Of course,” I growl fiercely. “Always, and forever.”
She laughs. “Well then, I’m not sure why we’re still having this conversation.”
I chuckle, when suddenly, I hear a knock at my front door.
“Geri, would excuse me for a second, there’s someone—”
“At your door, right?”
I frown.
“Are your people still watching me?”
Geri laughs heartily. “No, Colton, but I called Brynn right before I called you and told her what I was going to offer you.” She snorts. “I’m amazed it took her longer than a minute to get to you. Oh, and I’ve pulled some strings, and the cops outside your place are gone.”
I blink, trying to find words but coming up short.
“You’re welcome, Colton,” she says quietly. “And thank you, for looking after Brynn.”
“You never have to thank me for that.”
I can hear her smile.
“Go to her, Colton. And think about the offer—”
“Yeah, I don’t need to do that,” I growl. “I accept.”
She laughs. “Yes?”
“Absolutely. You could tell me the job was garbage, and on fucking Mars, and if Brynn was going, I’d be there.”
Geri laughs again. “Well, I can promise you that southern France is a touch better than Mars. I’ll have Terry send over the paperwork.”
I pause as I storm through the house for the front door.
“Be nice to my stepdaughter. She deserves nice.”
“She deserves the world,” I growl. “Nice to meet you, Geri.”
“Nice to meet you too, Colton.”
I hang up, I take a deep breath, and I swing the front door open. And instantly, a little blonde rocket slams into me, knocking the wind out of me and just about bowling me over. I laugh, wrapping my arms tight around her and holding her close as we stagger back into the house. I kick the door shut, swinging her in my arms as she peppers my face and neck with kisses.
“Are you—! I mean, did Geri?!”