Page 45 of Barely
Waverly giggles, and I grin.
“I mean, you want to talk scandals…”
“Yeah, but that’s just a scandal because people are ridiculous and gossipy. They’re not related, and they had that whole history before his dad married her mom. And besides, Jamison and Ramona are—”
“Fucking adorable, I know,” I groan. And it’s true. Despite being one of the “big events” of the school year so far, most people have stopped really giving a shit about Ramona and Jamison. Because at the end of the day, they’re just two people in love, and they’re stupid-cute about it.
Waverly sighs. “Anyways, yes, it’s more complicated than that.”
My brows arch. “Go on.”
She laughs. “Nope. Later. Maybe.” She smirks. “Maybe I’ll tell you when you tell me about whatever secret you’re keeping.”
Doubt it.
“We’ll see,” I say quietly. She smiles, giving me another squeeze before she sits in the chair next to me.
“I’m sorry about your dad, and your stepmom.”
“Thanks,” I say quietly.
“Look, no one here is going to—”
“Probably half the students at Winchester have parents who bought into my dad’s bullshit, Waverly,” I mumble. “Trust me, when it comes out, they’re going to care.”
She smiles wryly, squeezing my hand. “I’m here, you know. So is Sasha.”
I snort. “I thought Sasha was holed up with Charlie getting laid eight ways to Sunday all week.”
Our friend Sasha has been with the same guy—Charlie—since they were really young. He goes to another private boarding school in Connecticut, but whenever he visits, Sasha fully utilizes having a single room to basically disappear for the week. Which is fine, even if honestly, Charlie seems like kind of a tool.
Waverly makes a face. “I haven’t talked to her, and please do not say anything, but…” she shrugs. “I’m not sure everything is sunshiny in paradise.”
“Shit, really?”
She nods.
“What makes you think that?”
Waverly grins. “Her room has been quiet.”
I laugh. Waverly’s room is across the hall from Sasha’s. Charlie’s already visited once since she moved into the dorms, and Waverly basically spent the week in my room on the other side of the building to get away from the constant and loud sex sounds.
“It’s quiet?”
“Yeah, and I even saw Sasha going to class, which is usually not even close to a thing when Charlie’s visiting.”
“Hope they’re okay.”
Waverly grins mischievously. “I mean, do you?”
I laugh. We’re on the same page about Charlie being kind of a dud for our bubbly, cool friend.
“Aright, I gotta get to training.”
I frown. “Now? We don’t have swim practice today?”
I mean, granted, Waverly is the golden goddess of the swim team, and may very well swim in the Olympics someday, but still.