Page 21 of Barely
“What! That’s bullshit! Tell me now!”
She grins widely, and I can really see the enamored, silly look in her eyes. Whoever this guy is, she’s smitten.
“After regionals, okay?”
“Uuugh,” I groan. “So lame.”
“It’ll be motivation. If we do well, I’ll tell you.”
I snort. “Motivation like spending all that extra training time with Coach Hotness, you mean?”
Her face goes crimson, and I’m about to keep teasing her, when suddenly, my eyes catch something past her shoulder, and I freeze. Heat sizzles through me, and my breath catches as my eyes just stare at the sight of Principal Kane striding down the hallway towards us. My heart races, my skin tingles, and my breath catches as I drink him in. He’s wearing a white button up dress shirt, the sleeves rolled halfway up his rippling forearms, and perfectly fitting navy-blue dress pants. And he looks fucking gorgeous.
The throngs of students crowding the hallway seem to part for him, like people can feel is presence before he even has to say, “excuse me” and move preemptively. I shiver as he strides closer, and when his eyes find me, and our gazes lock, I see this spark of something wild in those eyes.
Waverly frowns. “Um, hello?” She turns just as Colton steps close to us, startling her as she looks up at him.
“Principal Kane!”
He smiles. “Waverly, Miss Henley,” he growls, his eyes flashing at me before he turns back to Waverly.
“How’s your mom doing?”
A few weeks ago, Waverly’s mom was the Vice Principal at Winchester. But she’s just moved to New York to start her new job as Dean of Admissions for NYU, which is a pretty swank job if you ask me.
“She’s good,” Waverly shrugs. “She loves her apartment and living in the city, and I think we found some renters for our house here.”
Colton nods. “And you? Dorm life treating you okay?”
Right, that’s the other part of it. Since her mom has now moved to New York, she’s put their house here in Southworth up for rent, and so Waverly’s living in the dorms now for the first time ever. Which, seeing as she’s on my and Sasha’s floor, is pretty great, I have to say.
“It’s really good, actually,” she smiles, turning to wink at me. “I’ve got a great guide to navigating the showers and dining hall at peak hours.”
Colton smiles this perfect, panty-melting smile, and I just shiver as I drink it in.
“Well,” he smiles again. “Better get to class. Ladies.” He nods at each of us stiffly, his eyes lingering on mine a bit longer than normal and that fire behind them sparking before he turns and strides away down the hall.
“You know, I know people think he’s a big tight-assed grump, but he’s a really nice guy,” Waverly shrugs. “He was great with my mom putting her notice in and everything.”
“Uh-huh,” I answer without really hearing her, my eyes locked onto him. And I’m not listening to Waverly, because all I can think of is last night, I saw him with his cock out—his huge cock—stroking it until he came with my name on his lips.
“Alright, I do need to get to class,” she sighs. “See you at practice later?”
She laughs, rolling her eyes as I break out of my trance and glance at her.
“Dude, you need some coffee or something today.”
I blush. “Yeah… yeah, maybe.”
She grins. “Or some hot action with a cute boy?”
I roll my eyes, my cheeks burning fiercely.
“Right, I’ll get right on that.”
She takes off for class, leaving me standing there stewing in my thoughts. The thing is, she’s right. It is about a boy, and yeah do I want something with him. Except, it’s not a “boy” at all.