Page 23 of Not Yet
I jump on my bed and put a pillow over my lap to hide my cock as I take out my phone and do what she’s doing. It’s then I see a dozen missed texts from Liam and I open them up.
“You guys want to pop some popcorn and watch something here tonight instead?” Mom says when she walks in my room.
“Sure.” Ali pops up out of the chair, all smiles. “I’ll go put my pajamas on.” She gives me a quick look and blushes before she slips out of my bedroom.
“What about you, Drake?” Mom says.
I check my messages one more time.
Liam: Court is at Kira’s telling everyone you’re doing your sister. She said she’s got pictures of you and her kissing in your car. Where you at?
“Actually, I think I may go out for a bit.”
Chapter Thirteen
He left. I still can’t believe he left.
That thought plays on a loop in my head all day. I went downstairs last night to find my parents firing up a movie and Drake was gone. Mom told me he decided to go out after all and I’d shamelessly pretended I needed my mom’s phone so I could track him. We all know she tracks us and my heart sank when I saw he went to the party. I don’t understand why and my worried mind can’t stop thinking over all the details.
I reach up and touch the earrings he gave me. Even being mad at Drake, I couldn’t bring myself to take them off last night. They’re so pretty and I feel like a part of him is with me when I wear them. I enjoy the weight of them and the silent mark he left behind. I don’t want to know how much they cost but I’ve known from a young age the Hawthornes are more than well off. We live in what I thought was a castle the first time I saw it.
When David adopted me I was gifted a trust fund along with his last name. I didn’t want his money, but I love how he’s always treated Drake and me the same. That’s one area we never had problems. Mom was the same way and I think the only thing that makes Mom and me a little closer is the bond of womanhood.
“They’re stunning,” Mom says.
She’s staring at me in the mirror as I touch the earrings again. No matter how hard I try I can’t stop playing with them. I think it’s to check to make sure they’re still there and that I hadn’t dreamed them up. And what Drake and I did in his bedroom wasn’t my imagination.
“They suit you.” Mom smiles as she hands me the lip stain the makeup artist talked us into buying. I tuck it away into the small purse that matches my dress.
I planned to wear my hair down but I wanted to show off my earrings, so the hairstylist settled on a half up and half down look. My mass of curls is actually under control tonight as the long, dark locks hang down my back.
“They match the dress too,” I add.
“Sweetheart, those earrings go with everything.” Mom gives my arm a squeeze and I laugh with her. “Jogging, cooking, cleaning, just lying around in your pajamas. They will always match.”
“You’re right,” I agree.
She walks over to my dress and unzips it from the bag. “Come on, I want to see everything together.”
When Mom got me up early for our spa day, I was wondering how we could spend an entire day getting ready. But it didn’t take long for me to learn you totally can. It’s been fun and it helped me forget about Drake for a little while, although he always came back to the forefront of my mind and I wondered again why he left last night. Why didn’t he come into my room like he suggested? I might have locked the door, but he knows how to pop the lock. He taught me how when I was eight.
I step into the dress and Mom helps me zip it up. It goes on like a glove and Mom’s eyes start to water like they did in the dressing room. “You look so beautiful.”
“Mom!” I try to hush her, because if she cries I’ll cry.
Drake might have been on my mind a lot today, but I’ve enjoyed my mom time, and I could easily slide into cry mode right now. Dad and Drake gave us a life that’s more than we could’ve ever hoped for. It isn’t about money, it’s about how much they care for us.
“Okay, okay. I’ll get it together.” She gives herself a stern nod. “Turn and look.” I turn to face the tall mirror in her bedroom.
“Oh my,” I mouth. I remember the dress being breathtaking before, but now I’m killing it. I feel like a princess. Mom was right. I needed to come into my own skin. Drake might have run last night but I felt sexy when he touched me. He brought to light why my body was craving his touch.