Page 12 of Not Yet
“No.” Lindsey shrugs. “You’d sure piss the BBs off.” She wiggles her eyebrows.
The BBs are the blond-haired captains of the cheerleading team. We had the luxury of their company at the food court, which was rare. Our two crowds don’t usually mix and we more or less ignore each other. At first I thought it was because none of us shared classes, but over the last year I’ve figured out they just don’t like Lindsey or me.
My stomach cramps thinking it might be something Drake said about me to them. He’s in that crowd but I can’t see him doing that. As much as he doesn’t want to be around me, he’s still protective of me at times. I think it’s for our parents’ sake more than anything. He does it out of obligation.
“I’d rather stay off their radar,” I mumble.
I’m not a loner per se, but I like keeping my bubble small and not garnering attention. I have my hands full with all the advance placement classes I’m taking. I want to go to Boston College with Lindsey, but I want to try and get some scholarships. I know I’m already in if I want to go since Dad went there. He would be more than willing to pay for college, but I have a need to prove myself. Drake’s going to have his pick of colleges, so who knows where he’ll end up? He’ll for sure get a full ride with football.
“Oh God, how do we get off Eric’s radar?” Lindsey whispers under her breath as she leans back in her chair.
I look toward the door to see Eric walking into the classroom. He gives me a giant smile. I don’t know why Lindsey doesn’t care for Eric. He’s always nice and doesn’t bother me. He glances over to Lindsey and then walks right to us.
“Have a good weekend?” he asks as he pushes his floppy blond hair out of his face.
“It was okay.” I shrug.
“She found a dress for Homecoming,” Lindsey throws in there. She might not care for Eric, but the girl loves to talk. It’s why I think we work so well together as best friends. She can fill silences that might make me feel awkward.
“You’re going?” Eric asks as he drops down into the seat next to mine, sounding surprised.
“Yeah. My mom is kind of excited about the whole thing,” I admit.
“That’s not where you normally sit.” Lindsey leans forward, pointing to Eric.
“We’ve got a few minutes,” he responds, not glancing her way. I look down at my watch and realize he’s wrong. Class should have started already but Mr. Nixon is late.
Before I can correct him, Eric is lifted out of his chair by the back of his shirt.
“What the fuck?” he barks, and I hear a few chuckles and gasps from other students in the classroom.
I stare wide eyed at Liam, who gives Eric an annoyed look before letting his shirt go and pushing him in the direction of where he normally sits. Eric goes and I don’t blame him. Liam is a big guy and almost as wide as he is tall. He’s not fat but the guy is as solid as a brick wall.
“You think he was jealous?” Lindsey leans forward and whispers. “Eric was talking to you, though, so what was that all about?” Her voice trails off as she falls back into her seat.
“Liam doesn’t have a thing for me,” I reassure her, knowing what she’s thinking. “Trust me. He comes over to my house and doesn’t even look my way. I’m invisible to him.” Drake, too, for that matter.
“I’m being stupid. I should drop my crush but I can’t.” She purses her lips, mad at herself.
“We can’t help who we like.” I nudge her with my elbow.
A smile tugs at her lips as Mr. Nixon walks into the room and finally starts in on his lecture. Thankfully it flies by because I’m starving and our lunch period is next. I don’t think it flew by for Lindsey because she fidgeted in her seat the whole time and I know she’s dying to ask me something.
“We aren’t sharing fries today,” I tell her as we walk out together. I skipped breakfast this morning because I heard Mom and Drake in the kitchen and I didn’t want to face them. I was scared the whole Homecoming thing might come up again and I’m still not sure what I’m going to do.
“I’ll order us three fries if you agree to the Homecoming idea.” That’s what she wanted to get back to talking about.
I cut her a look. “I don’t even know if Liam is going.”
“But you’ll ask?”
I can’t say no to the hopeful look in her eyes. “Fine. I’ll ask.” We drop our bags down at the same place we always sit in the cafeteria.