Page 91 of Wear Something Red Anthology
I cleared my throat. “Yes.”
She gave me a hard look. “Be sure, Catalina. You do not want to live my life, and you do not want to have children who will live yours.”
“I’m sure. He’s nothing like Jorge.”
Teresa gave a slow nod. “I would imagine he wishes you to cut Jorge and Julian out of your life regardless of whether or not they had any hand in what happened to you.”
“Danton would support me in whatever I want. The truth is … I don’t want my father or brother in my life. They’ve never been a positive contribution to it, and that will never change. Look at what they’re doing. Despite having no interest in me, they’ll destroy what I have with Danton just sohecan’t have me. That they sent you here is further proof of that, isn’t it? They hoped you’d turn me against Danton. To them, I’m an object that belongs in their hands—nothing more.”
She sighed. “You are right, sadly. I heard them rage about it last night. I learned a few things. I don’t know if you are aware of this, but a week before Jorge called you to our home, he’d heard that you were sleeping with Danton. He wasn’t sure how long it had been going on, only that it was supposedly a casual and shallow arrangement of some sort.”
The fuck? Why hadn’t he said anything? Why hadn’t he … I cursed as realization rapidly dawned on me. “There wasn’t really a man who Jorge suspected of being an undercover cop. He wanted to see how Danton would react to the possibility of me dating another man.”
“Yes. He didn’t initially mind the idea that you might be sleeping with Danton. Jorge believed it would mean that he had a hold over him; that Danton wouldn’t dare wrong or refuse to do business with him for fear that Jorge would remove you from his life. The last thing he expected was for Danton to stroll into his study and lay things out the way he did.”
I’ll bet.“I didn’t consider that he might have found out about me and Danton. I should have. I know that he pries into my life every now and then.”
If Jorge had known, then Julian had also known. Once upon a time, my brother had given me a heads-up when our father delved into my private business. Those days had passed. Now his loyalty lay squarely with Jorge.
“I do not blame you for choosing to sever all contact with your father. Or even for not wanting a relationship with Julian.” Teresa squirmed slightly. “I hope, however, that you will still have some room for me in your life. I know that I haven’t been a very good mother. It’s not that I feel no love for my children, it’s that … he used it against me, Catalina. He used it to control and hurt me.”
“And you wanted to take that power from him,” I understood.
“I didn’t realize that I’d pulled away from you and Julian at first. It hit me one day out of nowhere. I hate that I let it happen.” She licked her lips. “If you wish me to stay away, I will do that. I will understand and respect your decision.”
I stared at her, my chest squeezing at the loneliness that cloaked her. She’d emotionally isolated herself as a self-protective measure, but she’d pushed past that when it counted. She’d placed my safety before her own. She’d told me things about Jorge, aware that I’d relay it to Danton, even though it was drummed into us toneverspeak of what went on in that house.
“I can’t be in contact with you if you’ll be passing on messages from Jorge and Julian,” I told her.
She absently twiddled her fingers. “I cannot promise that they will not ask it of me, but I can promise that you will never hear whatever it is they might wish me to relay.”
That was a fair enough deal. “Okay, we can try it and see how things go.”
She briefly closed her eyes in what appeared to be a gesture of relief. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had turned me down, but I am glad you didn’t.”
“Please don’t make me regret it,” I said.
“I hope there never comes a time when you do.” She offered me a strained smile. “I like the dress, by the way,” she blurted out, as if desperate to discuss something harmless and mundane. For the first time, she really took in my appearance. “I take it you have plans.”
“I do. Danton and I are going out for dinner.” Among other things. “He’s on his way here.”
She stood. “Then I will come back to see you another time.”
“All right.” I walked her to the front door and opened it for her.
She gave me a tentative smile. “Take care of yourself, Catalina.” Then she was gone.
Puffing out a breath, I closed the door. Well, that conversation had gone in a wholly different direction than I’d expected. A part of me worried that she’d played me, but my mother wasn’t good at such games. And I still couldn’t see what angle Jorge would have for recommending via her that I stay with Danton.
I doubted that I’d ever feel I could rely on Teresa, or that I could count on her toalwaysdefy Jorge when it was necessary. But I could give her the chance to prove that she’d meant what she’d said. And if it went wrong, well, at least I’d tried.
Danton soon arrived at my door—I’d given him the code to my building a week ago, so he didn’t need me to buzz him up. He stalked into my apartment in a shirt and slacks, his eyes raking over me in a very proprietary way … like someone appraising an object they proudly owned. “Stunning.” He flicked his gaze around, on alert. His brows dipped. “Duke said your mother was here.”
See? The tattle-tale reported every little thing. “She left five or so minutes ago.”
He settled his hands on my hips. “What did she want?”
“Jorge sent her.”