Page 9 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“I know, I know.” I’d already considered that, but it was still rather tempting to roast him down the phone. I wouldn’t, though. If he wanted to employ such pathetic methods to build a PR fire around himself, there was little I could do about it. But I could ensure that I didn’t lob any oil on those flames to feed that fire for him.
“Another thing that annoys me is that he won’t even get banned from the Vault for talking to the press about anything that happens inside the basement,” I grumbled. “He talked about a club, but he didn’t even hint at it being the Vault.”
“Even if the club was mentioned by name, Ryland might have still managed to keep his membership becausethere’s no proof that he had anything to do with the article.”
“True. He’s been careful to do all this in a way that ensures he personally faces no negative repercussions.”
“That may have been his intention, but it won’t have been completely successful. I mean, he has screwed himself over where the club is concerned. Knowing he’s apt to spill all when scorned—whether to journalists or to a close friend that’ll sell the information—no members of the basement are going to so much as kiss Ryland after this, let alone sleep with him.”
I felt my brows inch up. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“He might not get banned from the club, but he also won’t get any of what he seeks while there.”
That thought would have made me smile if I wasn’t so infuriated right then.
Skimming through the many texts I’d received, I winced as I came to my mother’s messages. “My mum knows, and she’s definitely ready to light someone on fire. Namely Ryland.”
“As much as it might not be the most comfortable conversation a girl could have with her mom, given all the kinks mentioned in the article, I think you should call her sooner rather than later. She’ll keep calling until you do—or fly over here, even. And you know she wouldn’t judge you even if youwereinto enemas and golden showers etc., etc..”
Jaxxon definitely wouldn’t pass judgement but, as Briar said, it wouldn’t be a terribly comfortable conversation. Nonetheless … “I won’t delay phoning her,” I said, scrolling through more notifications. “I’ll have to phone my agent as well and … Oh my God,Rylandhas actually tried contacting me.”
Briar gaped. “What? No way.”
“Yesway. I’ve got several missed calls from him.” I angled the phone so that she could see for herself.
“Don’t return them, he’ll probably record them and—”
“I’m not going to contact him, I promise. I won’t even send him so much as a blank text.”
Briar’s shoulders relaxed. “Good. You have to play this smart.” She stood. “Right, you call your agent and your mom before they come hunt you down. I’ll go make you a cup of tea, though I still don’t see the appeal in that drink. Then I’ll help you pick out what you’re wearing tonight for when you meet Delaney at the club.”
A snort popped out of me.
She double-blinked. “What?”
I fired her an incredulous look. “You really think he’ll turn up after this?”Not bloody likely.
She frowned. “Why wouldn’t he?”
“Think about it. If Ryland was to see or hear about me being with Cole at the club, the vindictive sod could drag him into this mess. Cole will know that.”
This time, it was Briar who snorted. “Delaney doesn’t strike me as a guy who lets things stand in the way of what hewants, including idiotic male models. Plus, you got him hooked with just a kiss—trust me, I was there. I’m telling you, there’s no way he’ll pass on having more of you.”
“It’s sweet that you’d be so certain of that—”
“I’m not being sweet, I’m being real. And don’t think that the people in the basement will give you weird looks or snicker at you. They’ll beoutragedfor you. That article took a huge, steaming dump all over what’s considered sacred about the Vault.”
Maybe. “But if Cole doesn’t come, I’ll be stood there like a wet lemon.”
“You’ll be with Cat. She won’t head off for alone time with Danton until Delaney shows up. You know that.” Briar tilted her head, studying me. “It’ll really bother you if he doesn’t show, won’t it?”
“Annoyingly, yes. I know we didn’t talk for long, but it was one of the most comfortable conversations I’ve ever had with a bloke I just met. He’s so easy to talk to. Sogenuine.And he didn’t do any of the things people usually do when they meet me. He didn’t comment on how much I look like my mum. He didn’t say how strange it was that I got into sports photography. He didn’t talk about my dad’s career, or mention how great it is that my brothers are following in his footsteps. He didn’t mention my family at all.”
“He was focused purely on you,” she said with a slow nod of understanding.
“Yes. And I liked it.”
“So be at the Vault tonight, because hewillbe there waiting for you. I guarantee it.” She tipped her chin at my phone. “Now go on, make your calls.” With that, she left the bedroom.