Page 88 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Intrigued by the wicked light in his eyes, I asked, “What plans?”
“I was going to lay you on my desk and play with your pussy while I took my calls. There were lots of ways I planned to play with it.”
I didn’t doubt that all the aforementioned ways would have been mightily enjoyable. Neither did my hormones—they sighed in disappointment. “We can put a pin in that.”
He hummed, smoothing his hand back down my thigh to settle on my knee. “Did you hit your deadline?”
“Yup.” He often asked me about my job. It had felt strange at first to have him so invested in my personal business. After so long of us being distant toward each other, it still sometimes struck me that, wow, I was no longer on the outside of his world.
“I sent my final round of edits to the author,” I went on. “She’s a happy bunny. The rest of my payment therefore came through. Then I had to change because, admittedly, I sit around in either my pjs or sweats while I work. One of the benefits of working from home is that I can wear whatever I’m most comfortable in.”
He twisted his mouth. “I’d rather you worked from here.”
I double-blinked, positively stunned. “What?”
“My building has better security.”
Recovering from my shock, I pointed out, “But mine doesn’t have shit security. I’m safe in my apartment.”
“You’d be safer here.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Is there something I don’t know?”
He stared at me for a long moment. “Jorge has been pushing to see you, playing the role of the concerned father who wants to be sure his daughter is well and be certain she believes he didn’t sic Cory on her. He hasn’t made any threats to me or delivered anymore ‘messages’ for one reason only: his colleagues are distancing themselves from him in a gesture that they won’t back him if he and I should go to war. Jorge does not like to lose business or the support of his allies.”
“So he’s being careful not to exacerbate the situation.”
“Yes. But I can sense that he’s becoming increasingly pissed at me for denying him access to you.”
That was only to be expected. Jorge would always regard me as something he owned. “You think he’ll approach me at some point,” I guessed.
“I think he’ll try. Duke will step in, of course. But Jorge will be expecting that. He’ll take backup. I could put more guards on you, but something tells me you wouldn’t like that much. If you were here more often, it wouldn’t be necessary, and there’d be less reason for us to worry. It’s a good solution all round.” His eyes heating, he doodled a circle on the side of my knee with his thumb. “A bonus is that you’d be right there for me to fuck whenever I want.”
“The latter is not a logical reason, since you’re hardly here.”
“That’s not true. I come and go often. There are days when I work from my home office.” A wolfish gleam entered his eyes. “I like the idea of having my toy available to me at all times.”
“That’s because you’re spoiled.”
Sobering a little, he squeezed my nape. “Give me this, baby.” It was a soft coax.
“Can monitor your building, can note who comes and goes. But he can’t know that you’re safely tucked up in your apartment alone. If you were here, I’d know if anyone tried getting to you.”
I studied his face, suspicious. “It sounds more like you’re trying to convince me to move in with you as opposed to simply work from here.”
“You had to know I’d push for it early.”
I’d suspected that he’d suggest itfairlysoon—Danton didn’t fuck around when he wanted something. He decided on a course of action and forged ahead. But still, I hadn’t expected him to ask it of me thisearly on in our relationship.
“I want you living with me. I want this apartment to beourhome. I’m not asking for an answer right this moment. I’m only asking that you think about it. Can you do that?”
I sighed. “Yeah, I can do that.” Personally, I thought we needed more time as a couple before moving in together.
“And in the meantime, you’ll work from here. Yes?”
I squinted as it hit me. “Ah, I see what you did there. You threw the huge ‘we should live together thing’ at me so that I’d be more inclined to agree to work from here; that I’d think of it as a compromise.”