Page 78 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“I will once you’ve fucked me. Now do it.” I frowned when he withdrew his hand from my panties. “Don’t you dare—”
He snapped one hand around the front of my neck in a viselike grip while grasping my nape tight with the other. That was it. My nipples went hard. My core went hot. My skin prickled.
He gave me a hard look. “You don’t make the demands, Cat. You don’t want to. It’s not what you need. Justfeeland let your brain power down.”
He was right. I didn’t want to be in control. It did nothing for me.
I’d sexually experimented plenty over the years. Searching. I’d been searching for what I needed in the bedroom, and I hadn’t found it.
Until him.
He’d made me realize that I didn’t need props or scenes or safe words to get off. I didn’t want toys, I wanted tobea toy. I liked being objectified, and he’d taught me that there was no shame in it; that handing over such a level of power to another person was in itself an act of power.
It was no effort to yield right then. Not to him. In fact, it was so easy it would have been scary if I hadn’t let go of my usual mindset.
At that moment, I had no concerns. No fears. I’d done as he asked and let my brain power down. It silenced the chatter in my mind and allowed me to just float, feel, enjoy.
His face went soft and lazy with approval. “There she is. My perfect little fuck doll.” He dragged his teeth over my lower lip. “Now tell me, has my pussy been good?”
I nodded.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. You know I don’t like other people touching my things.” He propped me on the island. “Lay back. And not a word unless it’s to tell me to stop.”
The marble was cold against my bare back but I didn’t care. Not when he was sliding off my panties. My skirt vanished next.
And then his mouth was on me.
A gasp got stuck in my throat. He devoured me with the same raw desperation that he touched me. He did wicked things with that tongue. Licked and lashed and stabbed. All butshovedme into an orgasm that destroyed me as it whipped through my body, tightened my muscles, and made me choke on a scream.
I was still panting when he tossed me over his shoulder. The hand splayed on my ass was nothing short of possessive. He stalked through the apartment and into his bedroom.
The breath whooshed out of me as he dumped me on the bed.
His eyes were twin pools of intensity. “Train your gaze on the ceiling, and don’t move a fucking inch unless I tell you. Don’t make a single sound.”
I flicked my eyes upward and went pliant, inwardly groaning in frustration. Shit, this was going to be hard. I wanted to touch him. Hadmissedtouching him. I wanted to drink in the sight of his gorgeous body and long, thick cock.
I heard thuds that made me think of shoes being kicked off. Heard the rustle of clothing. Heard the tearing of a wrapper.
The mattress dipped as he joined me on the bed. Difficult though it was, I didn’t look at him as he settled between my thighs. A hand slipped under my ass to palm it, and then he tilted my hips. I almost gasped at the feel of the broad tip of his dick inching inside me.
His lips grazed my ear. “I should have brought my toy home before. You belong with the rest of my things, don’t you?” He forcefully rammed his cock deep.
My breath snagged in my throat as his size stretched my inner muscles until they stung. I could sense by the tensioncoiled in his muscles that this ride was going to be rough. Awesome.
He scraped his teeth over my jaw. “Missed you.” And then he was pounding into me. Brutally. Coldly. Impersonally. Making me feel reduced to a mere pussy that was his alone to fuck. And I bit back every moan and groan and whimper by sheer freaking will.
Neither of us were going to last long. I could feel it. He was too greedy, too frantic, too desperate to … reconnect, maybe? I didn’t know if I was imagining the latter.
Feeling way too possessive at that moment, I would have bitten down on the column of his throat if I’d been allowed to move, or maybe settled for scratching at his back. Instead, I made not one move. If I hadn’t had over six months’ worth of practice at remaining still and quiet while he rode me, I’d have been moaning and bucking all over the freaking place.
A hand tangled in my hair and gave it a rough yank. “I should spank your ass raw for leaving me,” he snarled, still slamming hard and deep. “I should pump my come all over you and leave you high and dry.”
Oh, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t.
Actually, he probably would.
“Lucky for you, I only want to take care of my toy. But you pull that shit again, I willblisteryour ass.” He crashed his mouth down on mine and kissed me so hard I almost couldn’t breathe.