Page 74 of Wear Something Red Anthology
He carried me into a nearby building, stepping straight into a brightly lit lobby. Danton exchanged words with a man standing behind a desk, who skirted around it and pressed a button for the elevator.
There was aping.The shiny metal doors opened. Danton stepped inside, still carrying me. I heard a jingle of keys, and there was some fumbling near the operation panel. Moments later, the elevator began to ascend.
Danton nuzzled my hair. Nuzzled. I frowned. It was sonota Danton thing to do. The surprise of it was enough to pierce my fog, and awareness slowly crept in.
“Almost there,” he said.
The words slipped into my mind. Registered. But I didn’t ask where ‘there’ was. I just clung to him.
After a quick upward ride in the elevator, we were inside an extremely spacious apartment that I didn’t recognize. There were lots of dark woods, stylish furniture, and clean lines.
In the kitchen, Danton carefully set me down on a stool at the island. He caught my face in his hands and tipped it backward. “Look at me, Cat. That’s it, right at me. Good girl.”
I stared up at him, noting that fury still burned in his eyes. But there was something else there. Something softer. Warmer. Something I wasn’t used to seeing. And more of my fog began to lift.
“Yeah, you’re coming back to me now, aren’t you? Good. Now, can you tell me where you’ve been today?”
I licked my lips. It took a few moments before the answer came to me. “Shopping.”
“Hmm, what did you buy?”
I frowned, thoughtful. “Shoes. A purse. Bath bombs. Some other stuff.” I couldn’t quite remember it all.
“What did you do after you were done shopping?”
“I drove home.”
“And did you go up to your apartment?”
“Yes, I … No. No, I meant to. I was going to.” Flashbacks hit me fast. The hand slapping over my mouth. The arm around my waist. The growl in my ear. The cold metal at my temple.
My apathy cracked like a frozen lake. Hard. Sudden. Fast. Reality quickly set in, pushing away the rest of the fog. And I started to shake.
Danton took a firm hold of my shoulders. “Shh, you’re all right now, Cat, you’re safe.”
“He tried to take me,” I whispered. Shocked. Astonished. Furious. “He put a gun to my head.”
“You don’t need to worry about him.” Danton gave my shoulders a light squeeze, pinning my gaze with his own. “He’ll never get near you ever again. I promise you that.”
I looked down at my tremoring hands. “I can’t stop shaking.”
“It’s just an adrenaline bleed, you’re good.” He rubbed my upper arms. “Can you tell me what happened? I know some of it from Duke.”
I blinked. “Duke?”
“The man I put on you.”
I felt my brow furrow. “You put a man on me?”
“Yeah.” A flippant response. “Now what happened? This is important. Tell me.”
I shifted slightly on the stool. “I was walking toward the rear of my car so I could get my bags out of the trunk. Someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth so I couldn’t scream. He started dragging me backwards. When I wouldn’t stop struggling, he put the gun to my temple.”
A fresh flame of anger flickered to life in those dark eyes. “Did he say anything to you?” The words were deceptively calm.
“Only to order me to stop struggling and behave. Oh, and he called me a bitch for biting his palm.”
Both approval and pride glimmered in Danton’s gaze. “Good girl. Duke said you were putting up a fight. So you have no idea why that guy made a try for you? He didn’t say?”