Page 70 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“I don’t know where you two met, but it will have beennoaccident. He targeted you.”
I sighed. “Look, Julian, I know that you and Dad think the world revolves around him, but that’s not actually true.”
My brother let out a humorless chuckle. “Man, Quintero really has sucked you in, hasn’t he? Maybe you’d have snappedout of it if you’d seen how he walked into Dad’s study bold as you fucking please and laid down the damn law, confident he had the upper hand because he hasyou. Did he tell you he swore that none of us would ever see you again if Dad made a move toward you that he didn’t like?”
I blinked. No, he’d failed to mention that little nugget. “He’s protective that way.”
“Oh, I’ll bet he’s very protective. To the point of being controlling. You’re basically his hostage, Cat. Quintero might let you go on about your daily life, but your freedom is an illusion. There’s a sword hovering above your head, and he’ll bring it down on you to punish Dad if he feels he needs to.”
I knew that wasn’t true for the simple reason that Danton had let me go. But that wasn’t something I wished to share with Julian.
“You’re not safe with that fucker. You need to get rid of him.”
My eyes narrowed. “Get rid of him? Dad’s decided he wants him out of the picture? That’s what this is about?”
“I’m not here for Dad,” he insisted, affronted. “I’m here because I’m looking out for you.”
Bullshit.“You don’t make a move without his approval. You definitelywouldn’t have stuck your nose into a situation this delicate unless he okayed it. And, honestly, I don’t believe my safety is all that important to you. Or if it is, you don’t let it matter.”
Julian’s nostrils flared, but he didn’t deny it.
“It seems pretty clear that Dad sent you to play divide and conquer because ordering me to get rid of Danton would constitute making a move that Danton wouldn’t like.” I put my hands on my hips. “Whydoes Jorge want him off the scene?”
“You know both men well, you should be able to guess.”
I poked my tongue into the inside of my cheek. “He figured he could finally do some business with Danton. Figured he could use him. Only Danton’s not interested, so Jorge isn’t going to let him have the satisfaction of laying any claim to what he considershisproperty. Me.” Unreal. “You do realize that I’m not anyone’sproperty, right? That I’m an actual person?”
“Property, person—they’re both one and the same to Dad. He’d have let Quintero stay on the scene if you were learning anything that Dad can use against him, but you said Quintero’s too careful around you. If that’s the case, he’s no good to us, so Dad wants him gone.”
And that was apparently all that mattered. “Well, you can tell him that I won’t be cooperating this time.”
Julian’s face darkened. “What was that?”
“You heard me just fine.”
“Don’t be stupid, Cat.”
“I’m not being stupid, I’m simply not falling in line this time.” I needed to make a stand for myself at one point. It made sense to do it now, while they believed I was under Danton’s protection. It would make Jorge less inclined to retaliate. “The fact is I’m the only one in this fucking family who makes concessions to spare other people any hurt, and I’m tired of doing it. I’mdonedoing it.”
“Even knowing what the consequences will be?”
Likehecared what happened to Teresa—he’d never done anything to help her. “If letting Dad pull my strings in this situation will also mean sacrificing my own happiness to protect her—”
“Whoa, you’rehappywith Quintero?” Julian asked, a mocking note to his voice, disbelief rippling across his face. “With a guy who’s using you to fuck with Dad? A guy who intends to milk you for information that he can use against our family?”
“He’s never once asked me a single question about Dad or his businesses.”
“To lure you into believing that he truly gives a shit about you. Trust me, the questions will come. Maybe he’ll just slip one into conversation now and then, but they’ll definitely come.”
I might have been open to believing such a thing if I’d only known Danton for a short time, much as Julian seemed to have assumed. But Danton had had over half a year to toss questions at me. If his intention had been to milk me that way, he’d have started it long ago.
“It doesn’t even make sense that he’d think I’d make a good source of information,” I said. “I rarely have anything to do with Dad, and I’m not involved in his businesses. That’s no secret.”
“Even the smallest pieces of info can be valuable. I’m telling you, Quintero’s using you. He does not give one single fuck about you. And even if he did, he wouldn’t be worth your time.”
There was so much rancor in his voice, I cocked my head and said, “You really don’t like Danton, do you?”
“What’s there to like? The man’s a total dick. He thinks he’s too good to do business with Dad. He has plants goddamn everywhere. He knows how to turn people’s loyalties, and he makes no bones about doing it.”