Page 46 of Wear Something Red Anthology
My back snapped straight. I slammed my gaze on Ryland. “He wouldn’t lay a finger on me in anger,” I said, barely overriding Cole’s growl. “That’s not who he is.”
“You don’t know that,” Ryland insisted. “You don’t knowhim.”
“Yes, I do. I also know that he’s right. You don’t love me. Never did. And I know for certain that I don’t love you.” My words weren’t sensitive, no, but I didn’t know if he’d otherwise reallyhearme. “I don’t say it to hurt you, I say it because it’s true. I have no clue what possessed you to propose, but my answer is no. It was only ever going to be no.”
Ryland sucked in a breath. “Izzy—”
“You have your answer,” Cole cut in. “Now you need to leave. And be sure you don’t come near Izzy ever again. Accept that what you had with her is well and truly over.”
His mouth tightening, Ryland glanced at each and every face in the room, no doubt noting the unwelcoming look they all wore. He turned back to me. “You’re wrong in what you think. I meant what I said here today.”
“So did I, and I won’t change my mind,” I told him, my voice hard, needing it to sink into his brain that he was fighting a losing battle here.
Hurt flickered in his eyes, but it was swiftly replaced by an icy indignation. His face closed over. His jaw tightened. His chin inched up.
He didn’t march out in a huff as I half-expected. No. Every move dignified, he snapped the ring box shut, slid it into his coat pocket, and then righted his lapels. An air of arrogant indifference gathering around him—the same air he often exuded on the runway—he gave me one last look and then made a beeline for the front door.
Jaxxon slid into his path, holding up her index finger. “Not so fast. I have something I’d like to say to you. Actually, I’d much prefer to staple your arsehole shut, if I’m honest, but quite frankly you ain’t worth the consequences I’d have to face. Which is the same reason that Connor has so far resisted twisting off your balls and boiling them in oil.”
Ryland’s head jerked back.
Jaxxon smiled. “Yeah, we’re crazy as a bag of ferrets. But back to what I was saying before … I’ve learned what a spiteful little sod you are, so I’ll warn you now—you doanythingto assuage your bruised ego that in any way negatively affects Izzy, I will hit you where it will hurt most. And by that, I mean I’llruinyou. Your modeling career will be a thing of the past. You know I have the clout to make that happen, and you’re a fool if you think that’s an empty threat.”
I couldn’t see Ryland’s expression from this angle, but whatever emotion crossed his face must have pleased my mum because she gave a curt nod of satisfaction and moved aside.
Ryland went to leave, but then Connor said, “You’d be wise to heed my wife’s warning. And you’d better keep your distance from my daughter, or you won’t only have to deal withDelaney, you’ll have to deal with me. I can promise you two things—one, you won’t see me coming. Two, what happens will never be traced back to me. Don’t think I won’t hurt you. I’m the kind of person that would bury you alive and then join the oblivious search party to find you like a concerned citizen. Now get the fuck out of here.”
Ryland quickly walked past him … and tripped right over the foot that Aiden purposely stuck out.
All concern, Aiden grabbed his arm to steady him. “You all right there, mate?”
Jacob twisted his mouth. “Maybe we should walk him out to his car, Aid, to make sure he doesn’t trip again.”
My brothers then flanked Ryland as he hastened to leave, insisting on escorting him out of the building. I didn’t doubt that they’d issue a few threats of their own along the way.
Cole looked at me, his eyes glinting with amusement. “I like your family.”
Well that might change once he realized that they truly were nuts.
My parents came straight over to me and hugged me tight. I gave them a mouthful for prolonging Ryland’s proposal but they only rolled their eyes, utterly unrepentant. They swiftly switched their attention to Cole and introduced themselves before I had the chance to do it for them. He was his usual self—easygoing, respectful, straightforward. And I could see that they both liked him for it.
My brothers reappeared after five minutes or so. They tended to be rude and stiff toward any blokes in my life, but they didn’t pull that crap with Cole. I had the feeling that the things he’d said to Ryland had earned him their approval.
As all four men settled in the living room, I went to the kitchen with my mum to make cups of tea and coffee for everyone. I threw her a dark look as we pulled mugs out ofa cupboard. “I still can’t believe you didn’t save me from that horrible proposal.”
Jaxxon shrugged. “He deserved to suffer the embarrassment of a public rejection after he betrayed you with Guinevere.”
“Genevieve,” I corrected.
“Whatever. He deserved it. That your boyfriend turned up and went all caveman added some spice to the proceedings. Since when are you and Delaney officially a couple, and why didn’t you mention it when we last spoke on the phone?”
I wasn’t yet entirely sure if we were a couple or not. “Why didn’tyoumention that you were coming to Redwater? You don’t usually keep that to yourself.”
She narrowed her eyes at my evasion but apparently chose not to call me on it. “I knew you were deep in a migraine hangover. If I’d told you we were coming, you would have tried getting our rooms ready and all that stuff instead of resting like you’re supposed to.”
I switched on the kettle to boil while my mum began to ready the coffee machine. “What brought you all here anyway?” I asked her before she could return to the topic of Cole’s recent declaration. “Not that I’m not pleased to see you.”
“I wanted to check on you. You sounded fine whenever we spoke on the phone, but I wanted to be sure. Your dad was stressing about it. The only reason we didn’t come sooner was that you had some decisions to make and we knew you needed space for that.” She paused, studying my expression. “I’m getting the feeling that you’ve already decided what you’re going to do. Am I right?”