Page 36 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Briar lazily lifted and dropped her shoulders. “I like his surname better. Anyway, as I was about to say before you rudely interrupted me, I don’t think his motivations were purely to ensure he’d be on your mind and that the choker would serve as a touchstone. He wants his claim to you to also exist outside the club—he’s just struggling to make that jump.”
“That’s how I’m reading the situation.” I folded my arms. “If itisthe case, why do you think he could be struggling?”
“He might feel that taking a chance could fuck everything up, considering his past relationships didn’t work out.”
Possibly. People’s baggage from their previous relationships often touched their future ones if they weren’t careful. I knew that from personal experience.
“But that isn’t stopping him from breaking his own rules. He gave you a ride toandfrom the Vault last weekend, and he made it clear that he’d be doing it from here on out. Right?”
I dipped my chin.
“That’s essentially mixing your privateandclub lives, which he initially never intended to do. Personally, I find it kind of exciting wondering what rule he’ll break next.”
“That’s the thing, though. I can’t allow myself to expect for another rule to be broken. That would be also expecting more from him than he’s consented to give, and I promised myself I wouldn’t do that. I have to accept the situation as it stands and merely hope hedoestake this further. Which, yes, is also me protecting myself from how gutted I’d be if nothing came of this.” I puffed out a disappointed breath.
She rubbed my arm. “Yeah, I get that. Honestly, I think he will push for more. I only wish there was something you coulddo that would speed it along. But there isn’t. The choice has to be his.”
I nodded. All I could actually do was what I was already doing—give him time. I was fine with that, because he’d be worth the wait. My only worry was that I was misreading his intentions. “What if we’re wrong in thinking that that’s what he wants? What if he doesn’t take any more steps, and I remain stuck in limbo waiting for something I’m never going to have?”
Her expression soft, she rested a hand on my arm. “I get why you have little faith when it comes to your romantic life. None of the guys in your past valued you the way they should have, which is full-on tragic. But Delaney looks at and treats you like you mean something to him. I swear every muscle in his face relaxes the moment he sees you.”
“No, let’s not do ‘buts.’ Let’s be positive. I know it’s scary being stuck in limbo like this, not knowing if taking this bet will pay off, but what would be worse? Giving him a chance to make his way to you only to later find that he can’t, or to cut your losses now and then live your life wondering if you made a mistake?”
“The latter, but—”
“We’re not doing ‘buts,’ remember.”
I exhaled a frustrated sigh and set my hands on my hips. “I just want you to note that if you have similar issues whenyourturn to get wrapped up in a bloke rolls around, I’m gonna be throwing all this advice back at you.”
“Understood. So, you’re definitely going to wear the collar?”
“Yes. He agreed to pay the price. Though he doesn’t know what the price is yet.”
“Hmm, and what is it?”
I smiled. “Iget to book the private room we’re using at the basement on Friday—a condition that was inspired by a suggestion you once made.”
Understanding lit her eyes. “You’re going to book the lap dancing room.”
I nodded. “Uh-huh. Time for some revenge for all the teasing he does.”
She let out a delighted laugh. “You’ll have to let me know how that goes. Now put on the choker, make sure it fits.”
I carefully lifted it out of the box, and Briar helped me put it on.
Standing back, she did a little clap. “It’s so pretty. Snap a picture and send it to him. I’ll bet my life he jerks off to it. Ooh, and have him send you a dick pic.”
I felt my brow furrow. “Why would I do that?”
“So I can see how well hung he is, of course. You won’t tell me shit. What else am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe drop your curiosity about his cock size.”
“Sounds complicated.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a perve.”