Page 30 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“I have red items that’ll signal I’m taken.”
“All of which you’ve worn in the weeks that you’ve been meeting up with Cole. You need something new this time. The rest of your outfit has already been laid out for you, including the slinky dress you bought a few days ago.”
I tipped my cup her way in a ‘cheers’ gesture. “Thanks, Mum.”
“Snarky bitch.”
“I come by it naturally.”
“From what I’ve heard about your mother, I can believe that.”
“And so you should.”
Chapter Seven
Sliding into Cole’s sleek, dark vehicle later that day, I felt my mouth curve as his ultra-blue gaze locked with mine. “Hi,” I said.
He packed a sexual punch in his gray shirt, deep-crimson tie, and black slacks. Everything feminine inside me sighed dreamily. And I felt a definite flush of pleasure seeing him wearing something red. To signal they were claimed, blokes usually wore ties or accessories that were some shade of the color rather than go all-out and slip on a red shirt.
His eyes flared and darkened as they slowly swept over me. “It’s gonna be hard to concentrate on the road. Really hard.” He leaned toward me, tracing the neck tie with his finger. “Mouth.” It was a demand.
I gave him what he wanted, melting into the slow, wet, hungry kiss. His luxuriously masculine cologne seemed to curl around me and flood my lungs. It invigorated my senses and made my head swim.
He hummed as he pulled back. “You taste good. Smell good, too.”
“Thanks, I do try.” As we both straightened, I clicked on my seatbelt. I’d been tense before I left my building, my thoughts all in a tizzy after my conversation with Briar. But sitting beside Cole now, I felt that tension drain from me. Therewas just something about him that settled my nerves even as my hormones became flustered.
I glanced around the very modern vehicle, noting the overabundance of buttons, the good-sized touch-screen monitor, and other hi-tech specs. Honestly, the amount of advanced technology in cars these days was fairly terrifying.
Driving out of the lot and onto the main road, he spared me a quick look. “That’s some building you live in. The apartment must have cost a whack.”
“Most in this area of Redwater do.”
“Yeah, I know. I don’t live far from here.”
I blinked, surprised he’d so openly told me when he usually hesitated to share information so personal. Then again, he evidently saw no harm in knowingmyaddress, so …
“Do you have an apartment or a house?” I asked.
“House,” he easily replied. “It’s a little too big for one person, but I needed somewhere I could build a home gym. Plus, I like my privacy, as you know.”
I wondered, then, if he might reside in one of the many gated, million-dollar homes in this area. Inaya herself lived in one with her grandmother, and it was bloody gorgeous.
“My brother, Aiden, has a home gym,” I told him. “I don’t even know what half of the contraptions are in there. Nor am I interested in finding out. Cardio issonot my friend. I’m a yoga girl.”
“Yoga?” He switched gears. “Explains why you’re so flexible and toned. I like how very flexible you are; like grabbing and bending you however I please.”
“That hasn’t escaped my notice.”
His lips hitched up. “I’d have been surprised if it had.”
At this moment, I couldn’t help noticing how insanely attractive he looked when he drove. There was just something about the way he steered the wheel with only two fingers, hiselbow perched on the open window, all ease and control and self-possession, that made me want to lick him all up. “Do you usually drive to the Vault?”
“Yes. It makes sense to, since I don’t drink much.”
As watching him behind the wheel was turning out to be foreplay, I hoped this wouldn’t be the only time he picked me up from my building on the way to the club. I wanted to ask what had brought on his request to do so tonight, but I wasn’t sure I could pull it off as a casual enquiry, so I instead asked, “How was your day?”
“Fine.” Frowning as a particular song came on the radio, he changed the station. “How was yours?”