Page 20 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“What I need is for you to listen to me.”
“I did. Now I’m done. So let. Me. Go.” The latter word was almost a growl.
“But we have to—”
“Do it. Now.”
“Manhandling a woman, Ryland? Really?”
We both turned our heads at the sound of Briar’s voice dripping with contempt. She stood a few feet away, holding up her phone.
Ryland released me in a rush. “I was hardly manhandling her.”
Briar’s brow winged up. “No? Hmm. Looked to me like you grabbed her arm, refused to let go, and tried to hold her somewhere she didn’t want to be held. And hey, guess what, I have the whole thing on camera.”
He opened his mouth to speak but then pressed his lips together.
Briar closed in on him. “Hear me well, Ryland. If any other articles or rumors pop up about Izzy, I’ll sell this footage … or maybe just post it online myself—it’ll depend what mood I’m in. Either way, the video will be seen far and wide, and we both know how the world will react to it. So back the hell off and move on with your life. You said what you came here to say. Izzy has given it the credit she feels it deserves, and now it’s over. Be gone, and stay gone.”
I didn’t wait for him to respond to Briar’s threat. I keyed the code into the pad near the front entrance to unlock it and then held the door open for her. She backed inside, still holding up her phone. I followed her into the building without looking back at him, kicking the door closed behind me.
I blew out a breath as we walked toward the elevator. “It’s a really good thing you popped up out of nowhere, Briar, because I came unbelievably close to punching that wanker.”
“Yeah, I noticed your hand ball up into a fist.” She patted my back, pocketing her phone with her other hand. “You did good and stayed calm, though. I’m proud of you.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“I was in the lobby checking my post box when I saw him appear out of nowhere. I wasnotliking that. I hurried out the side exit so he wouldn’t see me; I decided it might be wise to record the conversation.”
“How much of it did you get?” I asked as we reached the elevator.
She jabbed the ‘up’ button. “I pressed ‘record’ around the time he started claiming he’d heard that Delaney smacked around his ex.”
I sniffed. “I don’t buy that. If Ryland had really heard that from someone, he would have quoted them to add weight to his comment. He probably made the whole thing up. I know I barely know Cole, but I really don’t think he’s the type to take his fists to a woman. That isn’t me believing what I want to believe. That’s my gut instinct.”
“I don’t know Delaney, but I know Ryland. It has recently become abundantly clear that the weasel has no problem making false claims about people, so I don’t find it hard to believe that he lied just now.”
The elevator doors slid open.
Just as we stepped inside, my cell chimed. I felt my lips thin. “This had better not be Ryland.”
Checking my phone, I saw that it was actually a message from Cole:Is there a good time for you to meet up tomorrow night? I’d rather not wait until Saturday. I want to get my hands on you again soon.
“You have a very interesting look on your face,” said Briar. “All warm and soft. So I take it that message isn’t from Ryland.”
“It’s from Cole.” I read it aloud.
She smiled. “The dude doesn’t mince his words, huh?”
“He’s very forward. I like it.”
“Hmm, well, it seems that he wasn’t lying when he claimed that he wouldn’t let Ryland’s shit-fest keep him away. That’s good. It shows he has staying power and that he’s a man who keeps his word.”
I typed a quick reply:Tomorrow night works for me. Btw, your hands can do whatever they want.
His response came wicked fast:Oh, they will.
I snickered, debating whether to ask him to elaborate, but then another message came through:Want to meet at the lounge for dinner first?