Page 17 of Wear Something Red Anthology
She did a little clap. “I suspected as much. He has that sexually competent look about him.”
And so he should. “Want a drink or anything?”
“No, I just had coffee. I came to get the gossip-goods.” She followed me to the living area and sank onto the sofa beside me. “Did you make use of a private room?”
“No, he booked one of the boxes. And I was not disappointed.”
Her eyes sharpened. “A box? Interesting. What was it like? I’ve never used one.”
“It’s kind of like a changing room in a clothes shop. Only the walls are glass and there are leather handles hanging from the ceiling.”
“Handles, huh? So youheld onfor the ride?”
I smiled. “So to speak.”
“All in all, then, it was a good night?”
“It was.” I felt my nose wrinkle. “Though I wasn’t a fan of how long he made me wait before I could come. Repeatedly.”
“He’s into orgasm denial?”
“No. It was about reducing me to nothing but his—and I quote—shaking, mindless, cock-hungry baby that wants only one thing.” I paused. “To come.”
Letting her head fall back, Briar fanned her face. “In your shoes, I might have orgasmed just from that comment alone.” A grin curved her mouth as she righted her head and gently elbowed me. “Told you he’d show up, didn’t I? I was right. You should listen to me more often.”
I huffed. “I knew you’d gloat.”
“So, what happens next? I’m hoping you two aren’t going to leave it at a one-night thing, because I can tell that you like him. No, don’t try downplaying it—I have a mother who chronically lies, I’ll see through your crap without a struggle.”
I sighed. “I like him, yes.” A lot. “He was very clear that he wants nothing that has any strings, he’s focused on his career. The way he spoke, I don’t get the sense that he’d want an arrangement either.”
“If anyone could reshuffle his priorities, it’s you—you’re smart and funny and beautiful and have a very nice butt.”
I snorted in amusement. “Well thanks.”
“You’re very welcome. Now back to my question, are you planning to see him again or was it a one-off?”
“He wants to meet up at the Vault again next weekend. I’m absolutely up for that, so we exchanged numbers. I made itclear that I wouldn’t blame him if he at any point decided to stick a pin in this until the Ryland mess blows over.”
Her smile fading, Briar chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Speaking of Ryland … I didn’t only come here this morning to ask how things went with Delaney, I came to let you know that Ryland showed up at our building last night.”
I went very still, my happy buzz coming to a screeching halt. “Say that again.”
“He pressed my buzzer, asking where you were. He tried giving me some spiel about how he was innocent in the article extravaganza and that he needed to talk to you. But I cut him off and told him to leave.”
My cheeks flushed with aggravation. “He’s got some bloody nerve coming here. What in the holy ghost goes through his head?”
“Not a lot, from what I can tell.” She put a hand on my arm. “I get that you’re mad, but don’tplay into his hands by calling him. He wants you to react. So far, you haven’t in any way responded to the article. It’s probably driving him crazy wondering what you’re thinking and feeling. He obviously figured that he needed to give you an additional push, so he turned up here.”
“Yeah, I get that he’s pushing harder. But why do itthisway? He had to have known that he wouldn’t get the argument he wanted by coming here; that I wouldn’t let him enter my home. I didn’t even bring him here when we were part of an arrangement.”
“But he might have thought that you would go outside to give him a verbal lashing. He probably planned to sneakily record it with his phone. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d had someone standing nearby ready to video or snap pictures of the confrontation. If he comes back, don’t fall into his trap.Keep your cool, look bored, and give him nothing worth using or selling.”
I clenched my fist. “It won’t be easy when I long to punch him right in the throat while holding a fountain pen.”
“You’d regret it when the arterial spray found its way on your skin and clothes.”
“Don’t be so sure,” I muttered.