Page 169 of Wear Something Red Anthology
The Vault had a little something for everyone. Comedians and Dueling Piano shows could be enjoyed on the rooftop. Below that was the burlesque floor, which I loved. The main floor featured DJs, thumping music, fog machines, and spotlights. There were rumors about what took place on B2, but I’d never met anyone who could confirm or deny them.
Here in the basement, there were various ways to spend your evening. You could sit here in the tastefully decorated lounge, either at the restaurant area or the bar area. You could dance your ass off in the dome. Or you could head to one of the private rooms—some resembled hotel suites, others were themed and so catered to all sorts of fantasies.
No matter where you ventured in the basement, you could be sure of one thing—someone around you would be getting up to something raunchy. Public sex was a given here.
Cat gestured at the other glasses, none of which were yet empty. “We need to finish these first.”
The trio did no more than sip at their drinks.
I groaned in exasperation. “If you guys can’t even toss back a drink you must be shit at swallowing.”
“Inaya,” said Cat.
“It was just an observation,” I defended.
“It wasyoubeing a pain in our asses so we’ll hurry.” Cat shook her head. “Have a little patience.”
Briar snorted, smoothing a wrinkle out of her cobalt-blue strappy dress that clung perfectly to her curves. “How come you’re so eager to hit the dance floor?”
“How come you’re not?” I shot back. “I’ll tell you why—now that all three of you are taken, you don’t find the same appeal in getting jiggy the fuck with it. Probably because you’re exhausted from how often you get laid.”
Izzy chuckled and pointed her finger at me. “There’s likely some truth in that.”
“You’re just jealous because you’re not getting sex on the regular,” Cat teased.
“That I won’t deny, but I’m still right.” I looked at Briar. “Considering you do the dirty with two dudes on what’s probably a daily basis, you should be the most exhausted. But for some reason, it appears to be Izzy. Just what does Cole do to you?” I asked the brunette. “And how filthy is it?”
A secret smile lit Izzy’s wide brown eyes that were a few shades darker than the gorgeous curls that fountained down her back like satin ribbons. I had total hair-envy around this woman. “I’ll tell you once I’ve had a few more drinks,” she said.
“I will ply you with them when we’re in the dome. Now empty those glasses, ladies.” I tapped my wrist where a watch would be if I’d worn one. “Time’s a ticking.”
They rolled their eyes and grumbled but drank what little was left of their drinks.
“Right, I’m ready.” Izzy stood and adjusted the front of her plum-colored halter neck dress that highlighted her killer cleavage.
I pushed out of my chair, delighted. “Boom.”
Briar and Cat also rose to their feet, and then both led the way as we weaved through tables and sofas to make our way to the door at the other side of the lounge. I admired the back of Cat’s dress—thin, diagonal straps crisscrossed like shoe laces all the way to her lower back, flashing lots of sun-kissed skin. The bottom half of the red garment also had a gold zipper.
All my friends were wearing something red tonight, signaling that they were claimed and therefore off the basement’s market—it was something every claimed member did, man or woman. I, however, didn’t have an arrangement with any of the club’s members. Though it wasn’t deliberate on my part. I didn’t pointedly avoid arrangements. I just hadn’t connected with anyone here.
Finally reaching the door, we stepped out of the lounge and into the dimly lit hallway. We strode along it, passing many doors that led to private rooms, before eventually reaching the entrance to the dome. As per usual, it was packed. Strobe lights slashed through the darkness, beaming down at the many people dancing, whooping, and laughing on the checkered dance floor. Others lingered at the bar, sat at the tables, or hung near the columns and alcoves.
We didn’t bother grabbing drinks from the bar; instead, we headed straight for the dance floor. None of us were close to inhibited, so we had no problem giving it our all. I could feel eyes on me, but I ignored the sensation. I wasn’t looking to chat with any guys tonight; I was here to have fun with my friends.
We didn’t have girls’ nights out as much as we used to. Not now that Izzy, Briar, and Cat were all loved up. I was ecstatic for them. They deserved the happiness they’d found. And while I wasn’t envious in a bitter way, I did wish I had better luck with relationships.
The non-celebrities I’d dated had either gotten tired of the media attention, grown irritated by how often we were approached in public by fans, or developed trust and jealousy issues. I’d tried dating within the music scene, since fellow artists could relate to your struggles, were used to dealing with paparazzi and tabloids, and even shared your goals, but none of those relationships had worked out.
I’d only had one serious relationship prior to winning the talent show all those years ago, and that had ended worse than any of the relationships that followed. Inwardly flinching at the memories, I squeezed my eyes shut and visualized a stop sign. I was not going down that mental path. No. I was going to focus on enjoying this time with my friends.
So I danced. Laughed. Hooted. Posed for selfies. Gently brushed off any guys who approached. But one such guy wasn’t so easy to move along.Anthony.
Wonderful. Just wonderful.
It really didn’t matter how often I’d tried communicating to the dude that nothing would happen between us, he never failed to try his luck. Still, hedidwalk away when I shot him a back-the-fuck-off scowl that could have flayed skin from bone. So I hadn’t expected him to shortly afterwards bar my path as I was returning from the restrooms. He had to have been waiting for me, because I hadn’t taken more than three steps onto the crowded dance floor before he appeared.